Itenimum1's Forum Posts

  • nvm delete me pls

  • Thats what I had to do, create a sprite "class" as a "button" class basically. Thanks.

  • I could perhaps use CSS, thats annoying, I just want to append a sprite image as the buttons face. Anyway to do it? Could the CSS sheet load an image from my game folder? or no?

    How do we do this? Seems like a important feature, how have all of you been making UI? Just sprites?

  • cool addon, i like the custom transitions

  • Like RPG zones ---<> MiniGame Zones ----<> Other zones ---- <>OverWorldMap----<>Rpg Zones----<> etc

    I cant figure it out, do I manage JSON data I save manually into arrays and export arrays as JSON? or what?

  • is the math for discerning rate of movement while using polar force, is that y move to distance calculated at

    1/10 of distance per 10/100 milliseconds < distance?


    (distance * 0.1) * 10 < distance

    that is until it meets the distance intended to travel, still carrying residual momentum to calculate towards this point, or perhaps I am looking at this wrong and they are indeed traveling at a set rate of pixels per whatever and it calculates it differently than what I perceive.

  • First off, I hope this thread is allowed. I will not be asking people to fund a Game Maker made game this time, which got my last thread deleted, which I am okay with.

    Second, this is not a blank, inflammatory comparison of Game Maker to Construct 2. I started making a Game Maker game and am converting it to Construct 2, because I can't afford the $200 Android exporter for Game Maker. So, to save $200, I am once again using Construct 2, and I will tell you my experiences.

    First off, I have personally benchmarked Game Maker and Construct 2, in a many-objects test of my own. Game Maker handles loads of objects 33% faster according to my own benchmark. However, what matters more when making a game is your methods. If you can't optimize, no engine is going to save you.

    Okay so Game Maker makes it easy to draw duplicates of an image to create reflections, using Image Alpha and overlaying it. I could not find how to do this easily and automatically in Construct 2, so to create the same effect, I am using Glow Shaders. So because of my methods and lazyness, not the engine itself, my game runs faster in Game Maker, because it's not using so many shaders.

    Game Maker files end up being half the filesize of Construct 2 files, due to the way Construct 2 needs 3 formats of a sound including WAV while Game Maker doesn't.

    Whether you want to use Game Maker is also a question of whether you want to write 5 lines of code (Game Maker), or create a detailed event (Construct 2) to perform an action.

    I'm not going to even say what my preference is. I'm just stating the facts as I see them.

    Why of course it does, the way Game Maker works with the hardware is just better optimized -- to an extent.

    It is also horribly slow, in other ways, which can be further extended with custom made .dlls. Which sadly Construct 2 does not support. (Although it does support compiled js files.)

    But one thing I liked about Game Maker is the GML scripting. Alot of control

    Game Maker 8 is > GMS though, for just raw power.

    Game Maker's EULA is TERRIBLE.

    Construct 2's EULA is PERFECT (as far as the last version I read is concerned.. maybe they changed)

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  • I'm trying to build a simple ragdoll with this, but I am unsure how to use the joints? Like, what goes in the UID section, are the first set of parameters discussing the x and Y of a select point to offset the first object to? or FROM?

    and the second set are they discussing the UID object you put in the parameter? if created a ragdoll or an object with parts (like a pulley) should I only connect objects FROM something or can I get the parts to connect to a master object by a reference and which field uses what?

    I am sorry for the questions, I'm jsut a bit confused and not gettingthe results id like. Maybe I'm just too stupid. (happens)

  • Ah, that makes sense. So just as long as I do not use the original capx in anything, I could use the logic learned in other products under the default license? As long as I dont copy and paste?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • In the Scirra store, it allows developers to sell assets under this

    Royalty Free Licensed Assets License :

    [b]Royalty Free Licensed Assets License[/b]
    1. Grant of license
    This Agreement is a license, not an agreement of sale. Licensee shall not acquire any copyright ownership or equivalent rights to any of the Licensed Content. Seller and the Licensed Content sources retain all right, title and interest in and to all of the copyrights, trademarks, and all other proprietary rights in the Licensed Content. All rights in and to Licensed Content not expressly granted in this agreement are retained by Seller or its suppliers.
    Licensee may provide access to Licensed Content to no more than ten Authorised Users simultaneously, provided that access to Licensed Content is used solely for the purpose of creation or reproduction of Works for Distribution made by or on behalf of Licensee.
    Licensee may use the Licensed Content in up to 1 commercial projects. A commercial project is one defined as a Work for Distribution launched with the capability to generate revenue, or intention to generate revenue through the sale of, licensing of, or otherwise intend to generate revenue directly from the Work for Distribution. If Licensee wishes to use the Licensed Content in more than 1 commercial projects they will need to purchase an additional License or the Licensed Content at the exclusive price if one is available (c.4).
    Licensee is permitted to use the Licensed Content in unlimited free projects. A Free Project is one defined as a Work For Distribution that generates zero revenue, has generated zero revenue and does not have the capability to generate revenue in any form.
    2. Restriction on Use
    Licensed Content may not be used contrary to any restriction on use indicated herein.
    Licensed Content may not be resold, sublicensed, assigned, transferred or otherwise made available to third parties except as incorporated into Works for Distribution. Licensed Content may not be distributed to third parties as standalone files or in a way that unreasonably permits the recipient to extract the Licensed Content for use separately and apart from the Work for Distribution.
    Licensee may not distribute the Licensed Content in any library or reusable template, including but not limited to game templates, website templates intended to allow reproduction by third parties on electronic or printed products. Licensee may not distribute Licensed Content in a manner meant to enable third parties to create derivative works incorporating Licensed Content.
    Licensee may not superficially modify the Licensed Content and sell it to others for consumption, reproduction or re-sale. For example, but without restriction, Licensee may not resell audio tracks as backgrounds, hold music, ringtones etc.
    Licensee may not incorporate the Licensed Content into a logo, trademark or service mark.
    Licensee may not incorporate the Licensed Content in advertisments (excluding advertisments for permitted Work For Distribution), broadcast TV, theatrical or movie releases.
    Licensee shall not use the Licensed Content in a manner that violates the law of any applicable jurisdiction.
    Licensee shall not claim copyright or attribution of Licensed Content.
    Licensee shall not use the Licensed Content in a pornographic or defamatory manner, whether directly or in context or juxtaposition with other materials.
    3. Term and Termination
    The license contained in this Agreement terminates automatically without notice from Seller if Licensee fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement. Upon termination, Licensee must with immediate effect stop using the Licensed Content, destroy, delete and remove the Licensed Content from Licensee’s premises, computer systems and storage. Licensee must also make all reasonable efforts to ensure that copies of the licensed content are removed from any locations it has been distributed to.
    4. Exclusive Licensed Content Pricing
    If you purchase an asset an an exclusive price, you are also bound by all terms in this License (c). An exclusive price means that the item from that point onwards will be delisted from the Scirra store and no longer for sale. Non exclusive licenses may have already been sold up to that point. Use the sales figures published on the items page for indication of how many have been sold to date. Licensed Content purchased at an exclusive price are permitted for use on unlimited projects within the terms of this Agreement.
    5.	Refunds
    If you receive a refund for payment of Licensed Content in part or full, your license is terminated with immediate effect and you must follow all termination procedures listed in (c3). If you purchased Licensed Content at an exclusive price it may be relisted for sale in the store.
    Right now Construct 2's terms are do not reverse engineer or claim ownership of construct 2 itself and ensure you own the right business license for your revenue. (Anything over 5000 requires 400$ license)
    I like this, because it means I can make any game I want and worry about my own consequences without some shadowy finger of the tool maker getting in my way. As it is with Game Maker and a few other game dev tools (RPG maker for one).
    But this license, I spent months looking at it, so I have come to these conclusions but still would like a little more clarification:
    1. Do not claim ownership over any materials sold by the license store.
    2. The second you buy it, remove anything clearly representing an asset from the store user before selling what you export from the capx you may have used.
    (clearly not sure how this works with music and art but whatever, I'm guessing as long as you just export it WITH your finished game, it counts as you not intending to redistribute it solely.... but then it does state : "[b]except as incorporated into Works for Distribution[/b]")
    Now here is where things get tricky or strange
    3. You can create works based on it, but they cannot use the original assets? 
    Licensee may not incorporate the Licensed Content into a logo, trademark or service mark.
    Licensee may not incorporate the Licensed Content in advertisments (excluding advertisments for permitted Work For Distribution), broadcast TV, theatrical or movie releases.
    Licensee shall not use the Licensed Content in a manner that violates the law of any applicable jurisdiction.
    Licensee shall not claim copyright or attribution of Licensed Content.
    Licensee shall not use the Licensed Content in a pornographic or defamatory manner, whether directly or in context or juxtaposition with other materials.
    If you buy something that shares with you a CapX, just don't use copy and paste and your fine? How does this work exactly for event list logic. What if I just wanted an example to use to teach myself how to do something or get something done. Is that copyright-able..... "event list code"?  It is proven in the software industry you can copyright your code... due to the way they have set up patent laws to cover it. It becomes part of proprietary software it does.
    Also, this last one about no "pornographic or defamatory manner", does this apply to just using logic you learned or copied from the example? Or just anything with the identifiable logos and assets from the products? Why even bother to have this, Construct 2 does not disallow pornographic/defamatory products itself, so how does this work exactly? I would assume that the license already covered not using any assets for resell regardless. Unless they are heavily modified and do not even contain the assets sold-as name to begin with. So if you learn to do something or strip away something to its core logical set of editor list instructions, do not use what you learn in any adult games?
    To me, a few of these points require further clarification. Further clarification is why people like me choose to keep unity on our harddrive but remove things like game maker after considering what it truly means when accepting certain licenses into our lives. measures of control and moderation basically, I believe we even sign something like this prior to using forums such as this.
  • well, I tried to do it but it will take more work, ive placed it to the side for now as it was giving me a headache.

  • I am unsure how to do this, I am trying to use the custom movement to handle simple collisions with bounce, I know I could make something using trigonometry but last time I did something with manual physics it always gave me some performance issues. And I ended up going back to physics.

  • I did as both of you had said and it came out quite alright all things considered. I did end up making my own state system using booleans and variable scopes. But it works. And doesnt require anything weird or even foreach loops beyond the conditional ones.