Itenimum1's Forum Posts

  • Having trouble finding/figuring this out, I know the distance command returns the distance between the X and Y of an object compared to another.

    But how do I use this? I'm trying to save this distance value and compare it because half way to the distance of another object I want to do other stuff. So does anyone know of an easy to to remember all of this distance checking, its confusing me bad.

    Basically, I want to check one objects distance from another, using the dist() function returns the distance in pixels between these two objects? So I can do math on it like this?

    dist(myObject1.x, myObject1.y, otherObject2.x, otherObject2.y) < distancetestvalue

    trigger event

    will this do:

    this distance from the object less than this range

    and which object goes where , how do I remembher this stuff/ Anyone know of a beginners guide to programmer website that can explain this basic geometry/trigonometry to me? I canrt figure out atan2 either. I know they do what they do, but not why they do it or any special rules I should follow when using the commands.

  • thank you for this one.

  • Yes thank you very much, I think this is a good start, if anyone knows of any good examples off hand feel free to post those as well. I'll keep searching but knowing about these examples is a great help to me and my friends.

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  • I just need examples, I am having trouble finding any. The save and load function is useful, but I need to save specific data tied to tables for Objects and pull data out of this and even write BACK TO IT. I can do this in other languages, maybe not the easiest, but is totally possible using logic like

    write [object.VarStat##] path: $APPDIR$ + "/data/" line: ##

    same thing with loading. And line: ## can be arrayXYZ: #, #, #, #### (X, Y, Z, length/position to start reading/token/etc}

    Now regardless of the real syntax or fake syntax here I just want to know if anyone can point me out examples since I'm having a very hard time and this is pretty important, being able to manage local data to object tables that is.

  • I'm looking for an upgrade on the default Box2D asm.js plugin, does anyone keep a private repository or copy of their own updated Physics?

    Anything with:

    1. Changing collision body on runtime

    2. LOCAL enable/disable collision?

    3. kinematics

    4. anything that Box2D has to offer but is not included?

    or if anyone can point me to a tutorial for changing default built in physics that'd be wonderful. thank you.

  • hMM, My apologies, is it possible for you to show me an example of this? I cant figure out how to make this work and the localStorage tutorials on this subject are confusing. And do you know off hand if we can write to XML, maybe a plugin somewhere?

  • Just wanted to report that the newest beta version of Construct 2 r217 causes 10% increase in CPU usage, not sure why. Box2D seems to be significantly stronger in processing large amounts of collisions. I dont remember this being the case before. But perhaps it was.

  • Oh ok, I didnt realize. I will just wait for extension plugins in the far future should I decide to use them.

  • Your engine is marvelous, the simplicity of building a scene and programming complex behaviors that are one click additions is a nice touch.

    However I think not having a typed scripting language built in is a big draw back, its the only thing holding this engine back, even in Construct Classic we are allowed to declare variables on the fly through the use of events. (Free similar (but different/separate) variants of this engine have this capability.)

    I saw this plugin, dunno how inclusive it is to events or exposed code, I know some of your competitors have this capbility (RPG Maker Engine, Game Maker Engine, Unity Engine, Unreal Engine, Stencyl Engine) and I cant seem to find anything for construct 2. Does anyone know of a guide somewhere in installing maybe a add-on to Construct 2 or using built in functionality to allow scripting some what? Atleast maybe declaring variables or triggering events by code blocks? Navigating the menu to add and manipulate objects is horrible, A horrible experience no offense. I cant even change it to truncated lists, I can only search on the top right each time.

    Anyone know of any UI mods for Construct 2 available to us now? Or code functionality plugins?

  • Oh cool I'll give it a whirl and test it.

  • I want to create large procedural map zones, that can then be saved to meta data. I had a horrible time trying to figure out the NWjs features especially trying to save text files in my own folder. So I'm thinking writing to and reading JSON might be better? I just want to have zones that get created the more you travel and market on a map their positon (an overworld view in the top left or via another menu screen) to show where you are.

    But I'm starting to see some inherent limitations? Like I'd have to have persistance enabled on everything or store each dynamic objects values for whatever I wanted to say each transition? Can saving be localized? Can I just save a layout and load the layout back with a new entity?

    Anyway I had to ask how you create cells to begin with, seems we cant even write to .ini so thats out of the question, and XML only works locally. Any help would be great!

  • wow thankjs

  • Ive got trouble figuring it out, I want to store the X and Y of the nearest object2, per instance of object1, and move each object1 on its own stored x and y. Having trouble. Picking nearest doesnt work the way I want. its not doing it for each anyway.

  • thanks i also used X("Layer") and Y to get it working

  • so when you scroll in the layer or layout, you lose perfect mouse precision, like using move to commands to exact mouse.X and Y get warped. Even scrolling the viewport to the mouse.X and Y gets warped. anyone figure out how to get exact precision when zooming in and out and increasing layout scale?