Having trouble finding/figuring this out, I know the distance command returns the distance between the X and Y of an object compared to another.
But how do I use this? I'm trying to save this distance value and compare it because half way to the distance of another object I want to do other stuff. So does anyone know of an easy to to remember all of this distance checking, its confusing me bad.
Basically, I want to check one objects distance from another, using the dist() function returns the distance in pixels between these two objects? So I can do math on it like this?
dist(myObject1.x, myObject1.y, otherObject2.x, otherObject2.y) < distancetestvalue
trigger event
will this do:
this distance from the object less than this range
and which object goes where , how do I remembher this stuff/ Anyone know of a beginners guide to programmer website that can explain this basic geometry/trigonometry to me? I canrt figure out atan2 either. I know they do what they do, but not why they do it or any special rules I should follow when using the commands.