I want to create large procedural map zones, that can then be saved to meta data. I had a horrible time trying to figure out the NWjs features especially trying to save text files in my own folder. So I'm thinking writing to and reading JSON might be better? I just want to have zones that get created the more you travel and market on a map their positon (an overworld view in the top left or via another menu screen) to show where you are.
But I'm starting to see some inherent limitations? Like I'd have to have persistance enabled on everything or store each dynamic objects values for whatever I wanted to say each transition? Can saving be localized? Can I just save a layout and load the layout back with a new entity?
Anyway I had to ask how you create cells to begin with, seems we cant even write to .ini so thats out of the question, and XML only works locally. Any help would be great!