Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • I posted this on a few different Facebook groups I'm in. Definitely VITAL information.

  • *BUMP* New updates! And a photo! LOL (I hear those are helpful.)

  • Thanks, scragglybear! Hopefully the additional touches I've added will make it stand out even better. ... Updates to come.

  • Hmmm...none of those are quite what I'm looking for it seems.

  • I concur! PERFECT! Thank you!

  • A0Nasser & LittleStain - Thank you! That's going to help greatly with my game, too! KUDOS!

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  • Presumably you're talking about Knuckles - the red-haired character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series?

  • newt - Heh heh...I do, kinda. The art aspect is probably my weakest area of game design...well, second to music COMPOSITION. But I'll check it out and see what I can come up with. Thanks! Good to "see" you, too!

  • Here's a tricky one for you! ...at least, for me.

    I'm working on creating my own font with the handy-dandy SpriteFont object (thank you, Ashley!). Given that my game focuses on a contrast between dark and soft, glowing lighted areas, I wanted my font to reflect that, too. This is namely for the HUD information, as well.

    If you look in the Examples folder that comes with C2, you'll see a capx for Lighting, where simple manipulation of the blending effect turns a fading circle into a flashlight. Keep that in mind...

    Back to the Spritefont. Picture a solid block on the screen - all one color. Everything around and behind it is black, dark. But bring that flashlight object around behind it, and suddenly you see the outline - a silhouette, if you will - of letters and numbers. Portions of the block are actually transparent - the alpha level of the color reduced - whereas the letters, of course, are fully solid. Just like in those suspense movies where the guy gets kidnapped and comes to with a bright light in his face and some mystery man standing between him and the light. All you can make out is the man's shape, but his face is darkened because the light is behind him. That's almost exactly the effect I'm going for. But before the light is ON, I need to figure out how to blend two colors to LOOK like "one".

    For instance, if I have an RGB setting of green (alpha: 255), what would the RGB setting have to be in order to produce a nearly identical color as before but with a reduced alpha level? They LOOK alike at a glance, but with the flashlight, they'll CLEARLY be different.

    I'm hoping the artists among us will have a ready answer, but if you have any input, please feel free to suggest an option. I'm willing to try anything. THANK YOU!

  • Good morning!

    Will do for your name when giving you credit for your maze. Not a problem.

    Initially, I only plan to have the purpose of the game to be getting through the maze as quickly as possible - with the added challenge of not being able to SEE the maze except for your immediate vicinity. I do plan to add at least one item - a gift box (something my girlfriend "demands" be in my games lol) - which may offer some kind of momentary advantage - like the lights all come on BRIEFLY. I haven't yet thought too much about what kind of items might be found in the game. For now, it's mostly going to be an "as is". But I do see that simply going through the maze can lose replay value quickly...

    I finished testing a layout to include circle mazes using the maze generator you showed me. I'll have to create special maze pieces for such arenas as both the character icon AND a second layer will be moving interactively (the layer rotates the maze pieces while the character icon moves up and down only). THIS kind of maze will take some fine-tuning regarding the controls for both PC and mobile.

    I'll get your maze added tonight and I'll upload the capx for you to test by this weekend if all goes well. I look forward to some brainstorming ideas! I hope to do more with this game, but for my personal growth as a designer/programmer, I need to be very careful I don't add too much too soon lest I lose my focus and don't even FINISH the game.

  • Okay, so I'm reviewing your maze and I have some questions.

    1. I'm not seeing a finish/goal. Is that intentional or did you simply forget to put on in?

    2. The maze is obviously interconnected throughout - what was your mindset for leaving a largely open-ended area? It's different - all good!

    3. I'm guessing that the "finish" is to make your way through each teleporter in order? Or just to make it through each teleporter at least once? IF SO, I definitely like that idea and I can make it happen.

    Thanks again, mercuryus!

  • Just reading your comment...WOW! I'm honored that you would go through all the work! ... *click* WHOA! Now I'm in awe. I like it a lot. I'll get to work on adding it to the capx and hopefully will have it ready for beta test this weekend.


    Also, I've saved the image with your Scirra name... Would you like me to use your real name or is your nickname here okay. I ask because I'm going to make sure that everyone who contributes is readily credited. If you want to provide a link to your own games or a Facebook page, etc, feel free to share that, too, because I can add that right on the HUD layer of your maze in a corner of the screen. This way you get some recognition and traffic to your efforts.

  • mercuryus - Virtually any size and number that you care to create. And feel free to get creative with the design (ie: teleporters, sub-sections of the maze). And good idea about textures.

  • mercuryus - Well, I've decided to switch out the use of the Shadow Caster behavior and opt for the "flashlight" layer trick. That means that the shadows won't be totally covering every conceivable wall. Are you still up for submitting a maze design of your own - textures and all?

  • I've been adjusting the frame speed on my animations and previewing them in the animation editor, but at times there seems to be no difference... There's an obvious difference between lower frame rates - like 1 FPS or 10 versus 60 FPS, etc - but when I start going higher than 60 FPS, such as high as 120 or even 720!!, there appears to be no visual change. When I do a full-game preview, again the frame rate seems to be capped at some point.

    I'm honestly not sure if this is just my perception failing me or what... Any input would be helpful. Thank you!