Rhindon's Forum Posts

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rmfa0sqosnzy ... 201-1.capx

    I have two layouts (marked with an "L" in each name; likewise an "E" for each event sheet...makes things easier to identify).

    In the "L Maze D West" layout, you'll see the LostSoul object (in the Characters folder in the editor) pulsating with a couple of active effects. Below the LostSoul is the TileGlow object which changes color based on the player movement. So far everything in this layout is working properly.

    The problem I'm having is in setting up details for the "L Maze MercuryUs" layout and its related event sheet. The LostSoul character isn't behaving as it does in the "L Maze D West" layout, even though I've added actions to the "On Start of Layout" event line (see event sheet "E Gen Cntls Anims").

    You can see a little bit of the LostSoul character in the "L Maze MercuryUs" layout when you Run it, but obviously it's not acting as it does in the other layout. I cannot figure out why... Can someone help me see what probably should be obvious? Thank you!

    (Also, I intentionally disable the "Scroll To" behavior in the "E MercuryUs" event sheet. That's not a mistake.)

  • mercuryus - I'm so sorry for the delay...I'm putting together your maze into the game now. I've been very busy just trying to set up all the other basics for the game. Up next: YOUR CREATION.

  • *BUMP* Because this post got pushed back to page 2 in the forums and it deserves to at least be on page 1.

    And because I believe in supporting my bro in every way I can. ^_^

  • Ashley - AH! Sweet deal. Thank you, Ashley.

    On a totally side note, I was just wondering if there are any plans to add new features to the animation/drawing editor? I'm simply curious. Well, that and the fact that I'm a lone developer and NOT an artist. LOL

  • LOVE the addition of the explosion smoke on the screen after the missile hits the ground! AWESOME touch!

    And the people smacking the screen after hitting them with the police scooter ALSO was not expected!

    Great updates since the last time I played.

  • Aphrodite - Thanks. Thought so, but I'm (obviously) still in the noob stages. And Ashley and crew have been so good to us, I want to cause NO trouble whatsoever.

  • I simply had a quick question (as my title suggests)...

    What are the particulars about uploading our projects to the Scirra Arcade? I know there are already some rules listed, but I don't recall any mention about the status of a game's completion. Can I use it as a live demo versus using the forums and other social mediums?

  • Great start! I was having fun immediately. The controls are almost immediately intuitive and the art style is clean, crisp, and unique. Well done!

  • NEW updates! I hope you all enjoy!

    mercuryus - Sorry for the delay on adding your maze. It's in my capx as a sprite waiting for me to actually translate it into a layout. I've been trying to finalize several other foundational aspects, but I haven't forgotten your contribution. It's very nearly on my next to-do.

  • Tetriser - Yeah, that's the conclusion I've been made aware of. I just never realized it before...go figure that I've never tried to use a global Boolean until now. LOL

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  • Good point. Okay. Well...everyone move along. Nothing to see here!

  • *sincerely dumbfounded* Really? I could have sworn......

    Odd that I've never noticed until now.

    Okay...speaking from my utter ignorance, why wouldn't there be a global Boolean? I mean, would it be redundant? Somehow break the system? Something else that completely evades me?

  • Problem Description

    When creating a new variable, the Boolean option in the Type dropdown menu does not appear.

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/x0mxmw2ygzmz8 ... 1-1-1.capx

    Description of Capx

    Nothing related to the game I'm working on...

    As described, I try to create a local or global variable and set it to Boolean, but the option isn't there.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Right-click to open an option dialogue window in the event windows (either in the open space or in a Group or nested Event line).
    • Add a local/global variable
    • Select Type for the variable and notice that the Boolean option isn't present.

    Observed Result

    No Boolean option available.

    Expected Result

    For a Boolean option to be present.

    Affected Browsers


    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • *bump*

  • CAPX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6noe9vfhze9da ... 41zm5.capx

    Summary: Two objects - HUDTimerLightGreen and Red - with the same characteristics but different colors are overlapping each other and a Spritefont object. One starts out with opacity 100 and the other 0. In accordance with the percentage of time remaining (variable Timer), the opacity inversely changes between the two objects. Both are set as "flashlights" (see the included Lighting capx example with C2) on the HUD with the Source In blend mode selected. The effect is to simulate a light shining behind the Spritefont object where the text is "cut out" and the light can be seen behind. As time counts down, the opacity of the red variant object increases while the green fades out.

    The image doesn't show the color effect I'm trying to describe, but is meant to display the backlit "cut out" effect I've set up.

    Number one problem: Because of the blend effect as one overlaps the other, one of the objects basically is forced to be black (or invisible...I'm not sure WHAT is going on). After some time passes, the other object does become visible...but as you can (not) see, the timer via the SpriteFont object is basically blacked out. (Adjust the Timer variable value to a shorter time if necessary.)

    I've examined the additional WebGL effects that you can apply to the objects, but I'm not yet sure if there is a viable alternative. Short of creating a frame-heavy animation altering the RBG value, I'm not sure how to remedy this.

    Any suggestions, please? Thank you!