Renfd's Forum Posts

  • I have published a few games there. I never had any problems getting paid. But I think the revenue is very low because there is too much competition. Although I think that you can get good results if your game stands out from the crowd.

  • Renfd Try this version:

    Now it works! Thank you very much!

  • Added new addons:



    Hey, thanks for the Rex_TimeAway port!

    But when I export using simple minification, it show the following error message:

    /str/c3runtime.js:5956:6: ERROR - [JSC_BLOCK_SCOPED_DECL_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Duplicate let / const / class / function declaration in the same scope is not allowed. 5956| const localforage2 = globalThis.localforage2; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /str/c3runtime.js:5976:6: ERROR - [JSC_BLOCK_SCOPED_DECL_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Duplicate let / const / class / function declaration in the same scope is not allowed. 5976| const localforage2 = globalThis.localforage2; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /str/c3runtime.js:6025:6: ERROR - [JSC_BLOCK_SCOPED_DECL_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Duplicate let / const / class / function declaration in the same scope is not allowed. 6025| const localforage2 = globalThis.localforage2; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /str/c3runtime.js:6064:6: ERROR - [JSC_BLOCK_SCOPED_DECL_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Duplicate let / const / class / function declaration in the same scope is not allowed. 6064| const localforage2 = globalThis.localforage2; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /str/c3runtime.js:6212:6: ERROR - [JSC_BLOCK_SCOPED_DECL_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR] Duplicate let / const / class / function declaration in the same scope is not allowed. 6212| const localforage2 = globalThis.localforage2; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    When I export without minification. When I upload the game, the game doesn't load, it keeps in black screen. Here are the errors in the console:

    Could you take a look?

  • It would be great to have a C3 plugin for that. I used this service some years ago when Appodeal staff used to support a C2 plugin and it was very straightforward.

  • Thank you very much!

  • +1 for repeating texture offsets

  • Ashley, please don't remove this option. Although in the ideal world the developers would keep their plugins updated, in the reality, the old plugins are abandoned.

    For devs like me, that have several projects to maintain that uses old plugins (I have over 200), its not feasible to update all them to remove/replace the old plugins.

    You could add in the C3 settings a option to enable/disable backwards compatible features.

  • By the game's name I thought it was a game featuring a Shark, heheh.

    The game looks interesting, but I'll not ask for a steam key because I don't have time for a serious testing now. I think you could upload a HTML5 demo version for us to test the gameplay.

  • Actually you can use the old function on C3 runtime, but since its unprecated you can't add it as a new object, although you can use it if its already added in your project.

    But I still doesn't understand your reasons to not use the new functions, since it can do all things the old function do and more.

  • I see that several ideas get buried, including some with a good amount of votes and more than a year of creation that don't even get a status. I know that Scirra resources are limited, but giving at least a status for every idea would avoid the impression that the idea has been ignored.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Aside from console porting, what Game Maker can do that C3 can't?

  • I'm using this service and I think its very good and simple to use.

    Are you using worker? Here the plugin doesn't work with worker enabled.

    I think Indie games doesn't perform well on Xbox. I'm not sure, although I would like to know how a decent construct game would perform on Xbox nowadays.

    As far as I know, Switch is the way to go for indie dev in matters of consoles.

  • > > > Same here with my game. But oddly, the Google Play Services in your game works well here.

    > >

    > > Renfd THanks for testing. Do you mean it automatically signed you into Google Play Services? or did it show the game controller icon prompting you to sign in?

    > >

    > > Did it show your Play Services nickname and avatar upon completion?

    > >

    > > were you able to load the Leaderboards?

    > >

    > > It is still not signing me in.

    > >

    > > Link me to your game and I'll test yours.


    > The game signed me automatically.

    > Yes.

    > Yes.


    > I didn't released my game in production yet. But here is a internal app share link:

    Glad to hear it worked as expected for you, but strange it still doesn't work for me.

    I tried downloading your game but it says "item not found".

    I just released my game to production and now the game service works!

    Maybe the version of your game you have installed isn't the production one. Try desinstalling and installing the production version.

  • > Same here with my game. But oddly, the Google Play Services in your game works well here.

    Renfd THanks for testing. Do you mean it automatically signed you into Google Play Services? or did it show the game controller icon prompting you to sign in?

    Did it show your Play Services nickname and avatar upon completion?

    were you able to load the Leaderboards?

    It is still not signing me in.

    Link me to your game and I'll test yours.

    The game signed me automatically.



    I didn't released my game in production yet. But here is a internal app share link: