Renfd's Forum Posts

  • > Personally, I think they deserve their place. But I would really like to know the honorable mentions.


    Thanks for reminding me, the website is updated -

    Thanks. Seeing my game (Little Big Runners) in honorable mentions was comforting.

    Looking forward for the next contest.

  • I think C3 should be marketed as "the best engine to make web games". So it would avoid such spectation. Supporting any additional platform would be a bonus.

  • Ashley Is FIG plugin planned for Construct 3? If yes, will it support rewarded/interstital ads placement and stuff like FIG-leaderboard, shared context etc?

    This will be a very very Unique Selling Point Instant games will be big for HTML5.

    I agree. I think Instant games will be 1000x more relevant to HMTL5 games than mobile exporters.

  • [quote:qxtgijlv]We prefer games that are language independent. Try not to use any text if possible.

    Exception, simple English allowed, expressions like "BOOOM" allowed.

    So using text for tutorials and another things that uses text like ingame shop and achievments are extremely discouraged?

    I think ingame shops and achievments are great for player retention, but so do you prefer a more simple and direct experience?

  • Demo link is broken

  • I think you should share more details about your publishing platform.

    Also how much traffic/revenue we can expect for a good game in a monthly basis?

  • Maybe...

    Thanks! I really tried to search the solution, but couldn't find that thread.

    Replaced the 'on touch' event by 'on tap geture' and now it works!


  • The 'request fullcreen' feature of the browser plugin used to work well on mobile. Now it doesn't work anymore.

    It still works in all browser on desktop.

    I didn't post this at bugs session because it is probably a Chrome issue. Does anyone know if there is one workaround for this?

  • As you can see in this article . WebAssembly will be the new standard and will finally provide us near-native performance for web.

    Even Unity will support it. It would be a shame that the new Scirra product that is focused in web, to not do it.

    Actually, i think that does not make sense to Scirra writes a new runtime and let WebAssembly aside.

    WebAssembly is the future of web games/apps.

  • Great idea. I think Ashley could consider those features on standard Pin behavior (at least on C3)

  • I use MacInCloud. It works.

  • lamar

    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    Just updated the game! Now the game has missions with rewards

  • Looks great! Love your pixel art.

    I would like to see some actual gameplay.

    Just voted on greenlight.

  • Maybe a solution would be system where the player could only rate the game with a minimun amount of gameplay time.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • offers far better performance. Use cordova only in very basic games.