RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Thank you very much!!!

  • Actually I would just like to know if there is a way to use the value of a variable as an index of an array. It would be great if you could give an example of how to do this. Thanks.

  • Can someone please tell me why I'm not able to store the data from an array in another array using a variable as a base for the indexes? The code is below.


    Sequence1 will store the value of the startingSymbols variable in ascending order

    Sequence2 should store the values that are in Sequence1 using the values of another variable (correct) as indexes.

    Array Sequence1: 0132 (startingSymbols)

    Variable "correct": 4231

    Array Sequence2 should have the following values: 2130

  • I did not ask you to help me to find the error on my project. I only ask you an objective question:

    "The only difference for your code, is that I'm using the "trigger once" event instead of using the "on start of layout", because this code is inside a function. Do you think this could be the problem?"

    But it's okay. No problem. You helped me a lot. So "thank you" anyway. Have a nice day/week/year. Arrivederci!

    EDITED: I found the problem. It's in your project too. The first conversion is a way of positioning the frames, doing it correctly, unlike the next two conversions.

    On this new try, the first sequence is wrong

  • Hi tarek2

    The results on my project are unstable, sometimes the first is right and the other two are wrong, other times the first and third are right and the second is wrong, despite the variables being shown at the correct value. The only difference for your code, is that I'm using the "trigger once" event instead of using the "on start of layout", because this code is inside a function. Do you think this could be the problem?

    Some screenshots:

  • Now I got it!

    Just to use the same expression I am using to loop over starting_numbers (specifically talking about the "sequence 1" commands).

    Thank you so much for your time and also for your enormous patience!

  • Thanks for replying tarek2

    I took a good look at your code. I knew it was that line I should change, but I still couldn't figure out how to do that. The other two lines above I had already disabled so as not to create the sequence again. But you are right. I was waiting for something closer to what I needed because I've wasted a lot of time on this project and it's just a demonstration of what I intend to do.

    Analyzing that line you highlighted, this time in the first sequence, there is being stored in the new_sequence array, the order of the frames based on the variable seq1 and the order of the initial frames. You used (-1) to match the frame number since it starts at 0, right? Then, the value of the new_sequence array is passed to another variable (new_result). Despite knowing that I must change something in one of these expressions in that specific line, I think (for me) they are correct as they appear. Therein lies the dilemma.

    The code of this sequence it is like this:

    This is the result I am obtaining:

  • Hi tarek2

    It's me again. Sorry about that :(

    I tried to use my variables, disabling the process of generating random values through the array first, and it didn't work. After that, the system generates several numbers "1" as shown in the print of the variable "New_Result".

    As I understand it, it only works if I generate these numbers randomly, right? As I already generated the values of the 3 sequences, I already disable this action. Maybe I need to add these values into the array, right?

  • Thank you so much for your time, tarek2

    It will help me a lot.

    I'll check/study it and I'll let you know later if I have any questions.

    Many thanks

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  • tarek2

    I can't understand one thing: in your script, you use 3 variables (Sequence1/Sequence2/Sequence3) and you store the corresponding Array values in these variables. However, I can't find it in the script when you use these variables.

    I think that in this case, I would just change the name of these variables by my variables (seq1/seq2/seq3),

  • Hi tarek2

    Thanks for replying and also for all the explanation!

    So, my system already sorts the sequences so I wouldn't need to do this process again, through your solution. In that case, since my variables (seq1/seq2/seq3) already contain the values ​​of the sequences, I wouldn't need to use the Array to store them, right?

    EDITED: I also have the starting numbers in my script and the variable already stores the sequence number of each frame.

  • Hi tarek2

    Right in the bull's eye! That's exactly it. Thank you very much!!!!

    The only issue is that in the example the sequences are drawn, but in my case, I already have these values ​​allocated to variables (seq1/seq2/seq3). It is possible to change the script to use these values ​​instead of drawing them, right?

  • Hi everybody

    I have a problem to solve and I would like to ask for some help from you.

    I have a sequence of frames and three options that change the order of this sequence according to the positioning of each frame. I need to register the result of the last change in a variable.

    For example, the first frame sequence is 3210 (i.e. frame 3 at position 1, frame 2 at position 2, frame 1 at position 3, and frame 0 at position 4)

    Then appears the first sequence changer (1432) that will define the positions of the frames of the first sequence of frames (3210). Based on this initial sequence, frame 3, which is the one in position 1, remains in it. Then we have frame 0, which is in position 4, then frame 1 which is in position 3, and frame 2 which is in position 4. Result: 3012

    A new sequence changer appears: 2314. This will change the result of the previous sequence (3012) to 0132

    Finally, the last sequence changer: 4132, which will transform the result of the penultimate sequence changer to 2031

    It is this last value (in this case, 2031) that I need access to.

    Could someone give me suggestions on how to get this sequence in the background and only receive the final value?

  • Is it possible to record each frame change from the letter sequence to step 4?

    For example:

    1) ADCB - Letter Sequence

    2) 3124 - First change of position (CADB) - Frames: 2013

    3) 4123 - Second Amendment (BCAD) - Frames: 1203

    4) 1324 - Third Amendment (BACD) - Frames: 1023

    Based on the information from the frames from step 4, I can assemble the sequence of letters in step 5.

    EDITED: Sorry. I didn't see your post before. I think this is the simpler way to solve this.

  • Hi R0J0hound

    I think I managed to simplify the problem in a way that you can just tell which way I should go to solve it.

    The interface is made up of:

    1) randomly shuffled sequence of letters (ABCD) (eg CDAB appeared in the draw (which corresponds to frames 2301))

    2) 3 blocks of 4 random numbers from 1 to 4, a sequence of which is drawn. (eg 4213/3214/2134 - the last one was drawn and a list of frame numbers was saved in a variable)

    3) 4 numbers that serve as parameters for a new position change (eg 4321 - a list of frame numbers saved in a variable)

    4) 3 blocks of 4 random numbers from 1 to 4, a sequence of which is drawn. (eg 1234/2413/3142 - the last one was drawn and a list of frame numbers was saved in a variable)

    5) Randomly shuffled sequence of letters (ABCD) or we can leave them all in frame 0 and then adjust according to the formation of the stage 4)

    Making a simulation of the process based on the data previously informed and with the user selecting the correct options:

    1) CDAB

    2) 2134 (corresponds to DCAB)

    3) 4321 (BACD)

    4) 3124 (CBAD)

    5) Sequence of letters that corresponds to the positions of stage 4, that is, the sequence that will form the CBAD if we change the positions of the letters from the bottom to the top.

    In this case the correct solution would be BACD. This is the sequence that should appear below.

    I need to know how to register these frame changes at each stage. If I have this stage 4 value, I can use it to form the letters that are in stage 5 and when I do the reverse order, I would have to hit the bottom with the letters at the top. Do you think it's clearer now?