RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I appreciate the offer but I’m a bit pressed for time lately. No coffees needed. I’m actually considering getting rid of that since I’m happy to help as I have time usually. I can try to have a look again one of these days. It’s just not a fun problem to work on and I’ve created more work for myself since I haven’t been able to create something that is easy to understand or use.

    I burn out on projects pretty quick, even the ones I enjoy. But I’ll see if I can get a chance to look at this again later.

    I would really appreciate it. I know it's a lot of work to develop something that meets these new possibilities, but unfortunately, I only need to solve this one to be able to show my idea. I've almost given up several times, but I need to insist a little more and that's why I'm asking you to help me with this. I think the "coffees" are a great way for people to give some form of retribution for your help. I'm totally comfortable with it.

  • Hi R0J0hound,

    Will you accept some coffee to help me solve this problem? If so,

    how many coffees would it be?

  • If anyone else has any ideas on how to resolve this I would be grateful to hear your suggestions. I'm still stuck here. :(

  • Ok. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to turn this into the new format (2 lines). I'll keep making my attempts around here

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  • Hi R0J0hound

    Thank you for replying

    OK. I understand what you said, but even though it's a new row of options I have to leave it in the same sprite as the others? Because in that case, I would have to select two options (1 in the top row and one in the bottom row).

  • Hi R0J0hound

    Thanks a lot for the last example. I've been studying this file and I've also made some changes to my event sheet to make it look more like your solution, however, I'm looking to raise the difficulty once again and ended up getting stuck. I've duplicated your file already in the format it should be (two lines of options instead of 1), but the rest remains the same. I decided to clone the sprite to use in the other row, but I can't make it draw the numbers. The idea is that one of the options from the top row and another from the bottom row arrive in the final result. Could you take a look?


  • I thought to use something like this:

  • Thank you so much R0J0hound

    I thought you wouldn't have time so soon and I ended up trying hard to get this problem resolved so I could proceed. I managed to do this last night, but I'll take a look at your file to see if I can optimize my solution. It will definitely be much better than mine.

    I'm having a problem finding a solution for another question and I think you can help me (if it's not asking too much)

    The exercise has 3 answer options. I would like to make one of them (randomly) receive the value of the right answer signed in a variable (eg: varAnswer=0,3,2,1) and the other two options would have to be randomized to generate other different combinations between them. In the end, I need to know which of the options was signed as right, that is, the one that has the value of the varAnswer variable. Could you give me an idea of how to build this? It can be in pseudocode even if you prefer.

    EDITED: I am still talking about the same game, where each answer option consists of 4 numbers. Just to clarify.

  • I forgot about the "current frame" option. This is exactly what I need. Thanks!

  • I intend to create a light/dark layout and I want to change the assets of each condition using different animations in the same sprite. Is there a way for animations to always show the same frame as the current one when I change from one animation to another?

  • No problem.

    I had tried doing this for layout 1 example but it didn't work and I can't even imagine why.

    I will keep trying

  • Thanks for replying, R0J0hound

    I think that now I could not follow your reasoning. It's so simple that I can't decipher it :) Which example does this code apply to? I was previously using temporary sprites to be able to realign the frames correctly. I saw that here you are not using it. Could you please explain a little more?

  • Sorry about that R0J0hound

    I know it's confusing and I should have left an explanation.

    This is what I already solved.

    Now I need to solve these two and I'm not able to do that (the same 2xC3P layouts)

    Layout 1

    Layout 2

    C3P: we.tl/t-16w3i8PPXy

    I hope I managed to make it more understandable now. If not, please let me know. Thanks

  • Hi R0J0hound

    I tried to solve this problem but I've been stuck in this trap since Thursday.

    This is the file I'm using to test the possibilities.

    At first, I need to change the position of the letters below, according to the black numbers below (above the letters). The answer is generated before the script and available on one of the buttons with orange numbers (3 in total). Could you please check why my code is not working? Thanks.


  • for each sprite3

    pick sprite2 instance loopindex

    pick sprite1 instance sprite2.animationFrame

    -- sprite3: set frame to Sprite1.AnimationFrame

    Very nice! Thank you.

    As I only had the variable storing the numbers, I ended up generating a temporary sprite to be able to list these numbers. Curiosity: is it possible to do it with a variable instead of using the sprite frames as a reference?

    Thank you very much. Providing some coffee. ;)

    I will create some difficulty levels and I think I will be able to implement it using the solutions you gave me.