Hi everybody,
The game was accepted by iTunes Connect.
I asked friends to test because I do not have an iPhone (android only) and I also was unable to simulate the app on my Mac. The game for Android was all right, but what was generated for iOS had some glitches that I still do not know how to solve .
- Who tested said that the screen was not in landscape mode, even though I have defined this in C2 and also in the settings of Intel XDK.
- The advertising of admob not appeared, ie the plugin did not work.
- Once installed the intel's icon appears on the desktop instead the game's icon.
If anyone knows how to solve the orientation issue and the problem of admob plugin, please tell me what to do.
If anyone can test / play, the link is: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battles ... ?ls=1&mt=8
The same game in Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... battleship
It is an educational game for kids to learn multiplication tables. I am grateful for any help.