RBuster's Forum Posts

  • korbaach

    It is true. I thought the plugin would be necessary, but it's not. Thank you for the suggestion.

  • I really liked the korbaach solution but I would prefer a new one without using a plugin. Any more suggestions?

  • Thank you, Very nice example. I really appreciated.

  • How do I detect if the player is touching the screen and moving your finger across the length of the object (sprite) for 03 or 05 times? (like Aladdin rubbing the magic lamp). Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the tips, Kyatric

  • Hi fisholith

    Great explanation and step by step. Better than I needed. Many thanks.

    I already knew how to do some things, but it's great to know the modus operandi of others. My question was regarding the events / actions to implement it. At the end I use "angle toward"? I need relate this action to the event "is touching the object"


  • Could someone explain how to do the eyes of a character look toward the finger touching the screen? I want this to happen only when the finger is in a certain area around the eyes. Thanks in advance.

  • I'am trying to create an app for iOS using Ejecta to export and Ejecta-Admob plugin for ads (cranberrygame) .When I test in the iOS Simulator (Xcode) something strange happens: all objects that are using the physics behaviour fall together and crossing the floor (ie no collision detection). The android version works perfectly. What could be wrong? The iOS simulator does not accept the physical behavior?

  • I use Intel XDK/Crosswalk regularly to create android apps with Admob. But I want to use Admob in iOS apps builded with Intel XDX/Cordova and I don't know how to make it work.

  • Hi codah

    Are you referring to the plugin that comes with the C2? If yes, I tried to use it with Intel XDK but not worked. Only worked for me on android applications.

  • Anyone knows if I'll use this plugin, admob will work for ios app builded with Intel XDK?

  • Hi R0J0hound

    Top wall is a good solution to prevent the blocks falling out. In this way and changing the the physics engine to Box2D asm.js, now I have 32 squares on the screen.

    I enabled the bullet option in the physics properties and the movement is smoother. I like it, but instead of 32 now always appears 28 (remembering that I decreased the thickness of the walls and added one on top).

    Edit: Bullet option enabled is better for mobile?

  • IntelRobert

    Could you give some help with the icon issue? I am trying to publish a definitely application almost 02 weeks. I published one app that it’s not okay and I want to fix it soon, but before I need to solve the icon issue. I uploaded all icons requested in the Intel XDK and still keeps showing the icon of intel.

    Thanks for any help.

    adult image sharing

  • Hi blackhornet

    I'd say there are two things going wrong here.

    1) it's a bit unreasonable to generate 32 physics objects on top of the same location and not expect some problems

    I change it only in the example. In the real project I generate the squares in randomly Y positions

    2) Box2D web seems to definitely have trouble with this, locking the objects at odd locations.

    If you switch to Box2D asm.js, as the engine, it actually works better.

    (Also you need to get rid of the one object that is already in the layout, to control generating specific numbers.)

    I changed the physics engine to Box2D asm.js and I think the problem is gone, but I tested your capx too and least squares is being generated (21 on average instead of 32). Why?

    A last doubt: I tested the game on mobile and I saw that the movements of the squares is slow. It is because of physics behavior, right? Is there any way to optimize this? Thanks in advance.

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