RBuster's Forum Posts

  • korbaach

    One question: is possible to align the spriteCar with spriteCorner? With the same X or Y position depending on the angle? For example: if spriteCar turn right when collide with the 1st spriteCorner, it needs to keep the same X position. Thanks.

  • Perfect, korbaach! Now I understand why it was not working for me.

    Thank you so much.

  • I tried to use lap to smoothly rotate a sprite car but I it didn't work as I need. Any help?

    I create a demonstrations to simulate this.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/90kjtplm12dz7 ... .capx?dl=0


  • ,,,maybe...


    http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 5160542039

    ...surely... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz">

    Exactly what I needed.

    Thank you, korbaach

  • How do I create sprites as long as available amount and subtracting the total of each of them (as an inventory)? I can create only two and the amount does not decrease. Any help? Thanks in advance.


  • Surely it's a bit of backwards logic to ask for a CMS to do what an LMS does and more, because you feel LMSs aren't flexible enough?

    They're catered to a task, you're not going to find an out of the box CMS that does what you want if you're unhappy with that - it'd be more practical to just make your own.

    Maybe if we knew exactly what you wanted that LMSs weren't providing? I'm unsure of your setup but in my experience the whole point of an LMS was so intranets didn't have to deal with multiple CMSs.

    I took a look at some LMS systems, like Moodle and Efront. I didn't like the Moodle structure. EFront has a good solution, but not the free version. I wonder to create my own LMS, but I don't have the knowledge to do this.

    I thought to use a Wordpress solution because it has a several plugins that help to manage the content and to control access. But before it, I'm trying to figure out if has a better solution

  • I intend to use C2 to create educational content and I'm looking for a CMS to manage this content (to control access, monitoring, users progress, content updates, etc.). I ask for a CMS system because I think that LMS is not flexible enough. I wonder to hear your suggestions or possible solutions with preference for an open-source system. Thanks in advance.

  • R0J0hound

    Sorry. I had not seen it. Thank you so much.

  • Instead of a loop just compare the object count.

    Hi R0J0hound

    Many thanks.

    But now I've one new problem: I was using loop to associate the loopindex to IID. How can I do this without the "for" loop command?

  • So you need 1 sprite to appear every 0.5 seconds and a maximum of 4 at the same time on the screen?

    Hi frostyelk

    I need to create 4 sprites and one at a time with 0.5 intervals, using the localPoint instances as position reference. I intend to control the quantity through the "for" loop command. I attached a demonstration in the post.

  • I'm trying to create 4 sprites on the screen in random positions, using instances of another sprite as reference. Sometimes it works, but in others appears only 2 or 3 sprites. I have one more problem: I need that those sprites appear one at a time (interval of 0.5 sec) and I don't know how to do this using "for" loop and I don't want to change it. Any help? Thanks.

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  • Thank you, You really helped me.

  • Thanks

    IID has nothing to do with UID, right?

    In this case, the frame numbers are associate to IID?

    If I intend to create the sprites when the game starts, instead to do this manually, the only thing I have to do is change the frame number for each one (randomly for example)?

  • Thank you very much, andreyin!

    It's exactly what I needed.

    I would just like to understand the use of the "append" (str (sprite.IID)). Could you?

  • Sorry. I fixed the URL problem. Any help?