qngnht's Forum Posts

  • Hi. I'm using IAP cranberry plugin. I want to make a consume product id, I saw funtion "Consume" in IAP, but I don't know how to use it properly on Google Play. Can anyone help me the sample code please ?

    P/S : I created and tested non-consumed products on Google Play. But after I purchased completely , I can't purchase it again.

    Thank you for helps ^ ^

  • It worked with crosswalk 5.1.1 , with "*" in Intent list. It open a dialog (native browser, play store , other browsers ... which I like to use best ) But Corsswalk 5.1.1 has a lot of unknown errors in my app. Then I used crosswalk 4.1.2 for my app. Now it opened only in native browser, and when the url is opened, it said that "This browser is no longer supported" ...

    Anyone knows how to fix it , please help >.<

  • Thank I think I found the problem. I used Firefox to test on PC, and Firefox has some issues with web-rtc. When I tried other browers as Chrome and Torch. It worked fine. ^ ^

  • I installed the very old version of C2 : r169. But it is same things. I think the bugs now belong to Intel XDK build ... Can anyone help me to build and try it on Phonegap ? Thank you !

  • I think It happens on the lastest version of C2. Last year, I tried this plugin and made a game with it, and it runs very well on mobile. I'm trying to download the older version of C2 to check it again.

  • I'm trying the multiplayer in Android. I run the example Multiplayer - real time tutorial in C2. It runs well on 2 PC. But when I run on an Android device and a PC, after the player in PC is disconnected, the game on Mobile is crashed, even though the player in Mobile is a host or a peer. it keeps crashing after another connected peer disconnected.

    Please help me to stop this crashing ... ? I didn't fix any things from that tutorial in C2. Thank you so much !

    P/S: I build the game in Intel XDK.

  • Thanks guys . I learned Blender to build my 3D characters. It took me a couple months to do it, but it worths ^ ^

  • Please, I can do with javascript. Thank you so much ^ ^

  • Hi. I'm trying to use Twitter Button or Browser plugin to share a content with an Image and url in it, as Facebook plugin does.

    Expected :

    1. When user click on a button. It will post the above content to their Tweet page immediately without opening the Tweet dialog.


    2. The Tweet dialog opened and when user pressed the "Tweet" button to post the above content, It will send to my app a signal if they pressed it and posted.

    Please tell me if I can do it ? I tried in some ways, but it always open Tweet dialog for user to confirm before the posting, and I can't handle if they pressed the "Tweet" button to post it to their Tweet page or not ...

    Thank you for helps ! ^ ^

  • It worked beautifully Thank you so much

  • Thank I'm going to try it out. I think it will work for me ^ ^

  • Thank for replying ^ ^. I hope Scirra team could fix it in the future

  • My game can run well on Android mobiles and iOS devices, but It can't be played in Bluestacks. Anyone has same issue ? The game can installed in Bluestacks, but the game quit if I open it.

  • Does Q3D work well on mobile ? Sorry for asking it , too many comments >.< I can't read all of them in a short time. Thanks ^ ^

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  • When I used 3x images, the problem is resolved.

    P/S : 4x images make it worse blurry.