qngnht's Forum Posts

  • Ashley iOS 11.3 still encountered disconnecting if joining as Peers after 10-30 seconds. No problems If iOS device is a host.

  • Ashley told that it will be fixed at iOS 11.1

  • Now iOS 11 is released and iOS can use multiplayer functions. I tried the example Chat in Construct2 on my Ipad mini 2.

    ***As Host :

    • Signal is very good and never disconnect or have error to left the room

    ***As Peer :

    • Keep Disconnecting from the chat room , every 5-10 seconds.

    Ashley, Can you tell me if it is error from the Multiplayer funtions or from iOS version please ..? Thank you !

    I really want Multiplayer funtions work on both Android and iOS to make great games ^ ^

  • Hi. I looked up a lot of website in google. There are so many websites with diferrent prices. Can somebody help me to find a trusted website to file copyright for my own game character please ? Thank you so much.

  • Do the plugins work on both of iOS and Android ? Thank you !

  • SparklingAir I resolved 90% of this issue with Cocoon.io export. The problem is maybe too many objects to created in a layout, but C2 didn't remove their memory from cache even though those objects are deleted in the layout, and Then overloaded of memory of the mobile device which caused crashes. You can resolve it by creating the game with multi-layout as well.

  • Once you get confirmation that the product has been purchased successfully ("On product purchased" condition or something like that) simply run action "consume". Your product will be available to buy again.

    Your answer is above ^ ^. Test it on your real device, is better than my description or my sample. Google Play Store and Apple Store are supporting to test it. They won't take your money until your app is actually released.

  • Could someone give me a .capx tested on mobile phone ( should test it on a low device, as 512 ram, no graphic card supported ) which make tilemaps faster than sprites + tile-background ? I made a lot of builds, but tilemaps 30-40 fps . Tile-background + sprites : 50-60 fps to show a same result screen.

  • I found the problems.It is indicated in somewhere in Forum. Tilemaps read the repeatedly tiles, and counted those as one sprite. If tiles are different, they counted as diffirrent sprites. That's why it's not flexible, more works than tile-background+sprites, and sometimes really heavy because of mistake of placing tiles (make it counted as hundreds of sprites ).

    Could someone give an example to make it easier please ?

  • Thank you, davidochoa. Now I got it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Can someone help me with this question please ?

    My free app use some free music with license said that "Music is free for non-commercial usage ( your apps don't use in-app purchase or sell items ) ".

    But I added feature Donation using IAP plugin , I don't sell any items or other things in my app. Do this donation feature make my app become an commercial app and infringed above free music license.

    Sorry for my language and I don't know if my topic is posted on the right thread.

    Thanks for helps !

  • It's super cool ! Thank you so much. Now I understood how it works.

    I love to makes free mobile games with ads only , now I can earn extra money from collecting data of users.

    It would be great if someone have experience can share some relieable website which buy those collected data or where I can start with it.

  • Hi. Today I received a mail from http://huq.io/index.html . They offer a new way to earn money , they said that they are collecting where the users go shopping and We earn money $ from those collected information.

    • Is this a new way to earn money ? This is my first time I heard that we can earn money if user use our apps without poping ads. If it is true, can I believe on that site ? >.<
    • Is there other ways to earn money like above site ( user use or download apps and turn on the Analytics and we earn money from collecting user's data ) ? I saw a lot of people using Analytics plugins in their app, but I really don't know what purposes.

    Thank you for helps !

  • When I turn on "Force own textture", all images in that layer hide away , and no ways to see them visible on the screen withou turn off "Force own textture", it made me very difficult and uncomfortable to design things that layout. But it only happens some later time after using "Force own textture" layer, then I don't know when it happens to make an .capx to test, maybe it happens on some of cpu and driver.

    Please make feature that I can turn on and turn off "Force own textture" at the beginning of the layout if you can.

    And please don't ask me to give a .capx file because It might happens on some computers, not yours. And don't force me to file any bugs case and wait for some years. I made some reporting posts , but I never have any reasonable supporting and comments from ASHLEY.

    Thank you so much !

  • After a few days testing ... I found the solution ... maybe work for you guys

    • Make images transparent on top and bottom in few pixels ( at least one pixel top and one pixel bottom ). That's it