qngnht's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys. Is there anyways to stop some actions running in a layout ? I have some troubles with multiplayers actions. It keeps running although I changed to other layout...

    And I have other question : I load about 1500 actions at the start of layout. It might cause app crash and quit in some low memory devices ( some phone which has 512 mb ram and cpu x86). Can someone help me to stop its crash please ? Thank for any helps !

  • It has been down suddenly while I was testing my multiplayer game .... my day >.<

  • Thank R0J0hound. This is exactly what I was looking for

  • Please share if you can ... I really need it. My mail is : "qngnht gmail . com"

  • Thank guys

  • Can I draw characters like in anime or cartoon characters and use it in my game ? Example Doraemon characters ? Or any ways to use them in my projects ? Somebody helps please Thank for any advices.

  • Hi Flemming, I just switched the audio lock on my iphone , and the audio has just worked .... No idea you can try it

  • I think error in Intel XDk. I'm trying to figure it out. Somebody check Media and add Media plugin and it worked, but I'm using export as HTML5, can't use Media in C2 exporter

  • I have same issue. Someone helps ?

  • I can't install the package with c2.addon file, I create a folder named "Sprite Sheet" in plugins folder and put the downloaded file into, but C2 threw error can not install that plugin .Sorry, im totally newbie. Can you send me the plugin with a zip pakage please. Thank you very much.

    My email:

  • Can somebody share experience please ?

  • If a device runs my game, it might load all 100mb of unique images in my game. That will cause a mobile device crash. But in fact, It only uses 12 mb / 100mb of unique images run at a time. I wonder when it load all 100mb of images , does it make game slower or crash ??? Thanks.

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  • Hi. I tried to manage memory of my game. I have a layout with 8.8 mb images usage which is showed in Debug board , and a button to destroy a few of objects ( cost 2 mb images ) .

    After clicking the destroy button, those objects are destroyed, Debug board counted "Zero" of them . But the images usage still showed 8.8mb . I wonder if those images are destroyed or not ? Any suggests please ?

    If the objects cant destroy completely, my game will use ton of memory usage from Creating objects which will make the game crash on mobile devices. Thanks.

  • In Manual, it said that Google play services doesnt support on mobile ? is it true ? how about Game center on iOS mobile ?

  • I'm waiting for next updates to resolve this delay issue.