plazatin's Forum Posts

  • If you mean while editing a project, I don't think this is possible. Also, I'm not sure it would make sense, since when one is in edit mode, one should have access to the files inside the project. So even if read-only was implemented, the user should still have the ability to toggle that and gain access to the file.

    May I ask what is wrong with viewing the html/md page in a VLE/some other web server, Word/Google Docs, or a local md viewer? I actually think alt-tabbing to a different window for instructions is less confusing than viewing a read only document tab inside Construct, especially when there are lots of tabs open.

  • Try Construct 3

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    As ever the only good solution for all circumstances is pixel rounding and letterbox integer scale.

  • I think Browser works even on android. Construct games or apps are just running in a browser anyway. That's what I used to check if a player is online, and it works even on Android releases.

    I haven't tried it, but I guess you can try a Drawing Canvas and save that as an image.

  • Welcome. Also, don't be intimidated by scripting, Javascript is pretty nice and there's the ton of resources online on top of the documentation here. Try it out, and you might find that it's not as intimidating as you thought.

    Wish you luck in your Skunkworks Project!

    Thanks, plazatin. I was half afraid someone was going to say scripting, but sounds like that's the way to go, and now I'm finally out of excuses not to jump in. I'll update when I get it working.


    My. Gosh. That's so flippin' easy! There's predictive text and color coding and everything. I should have tried this forever ago!

    Thanks again, plazatin. If Bennetts Skunkworks Project B ever goes public, you get a mention in the credits.

  • Also did the tests, seems to be working fine when using firefox, chrome, and edge. So in my case, it was an issue specific to Brave.

  • Hmm.. Might be a browser issue. Tested now and it works fine in firefox and chrome on my phone. I got that error on desktop, I was using Brave. I'll do some more tests later.

  • I actually have this problem. Here's the error that I get on mine.

  • Hi caleb,

    You can use scripts in the sheet to assign/get values.

    For example:

    runtime.globalVars.volumeNumber = document.getElementById("volume").value;

    That gets the value of the element id "volume" and assigns it to a global variable named volumeNumber.

    You can use localVars too for local variables.


    More info here --

  • If you go to Debug mode, it will be easier for you to trace where things went wrong. You can view the contents of the LocalStorage in Debug Mode.

  • Thank you bbenny93!

  • Those animations are exceptional!

    Thank you for the kind words! The animation took the longest time, so I'm glad to hear it. Happy Holidays!

  • I created a mini fighting game for the 20 second game jam on Check it out here, I just uploaded it at scirra arcade.

  • Yes, it's possible retrieve values from the inputs created in the html using javascript.

    No, I don't think you can change the sprites inside the HTML element.

  • I usually prompt for the player name (scoring), and I just recently realized that I'm unable to edit/type in input text fields in Scirra Arcade. It does, however, recognize my keystrokes for game controls. On my uploads to itch, I'm able to type in the text fields just fine. How can I fix this?

    You can see this in action in both my games on Scirra Arcade (With WatchTrader, you get a name prompt in the beginning. In Gun in 60 Seconds remix, the prompt comes after finishing a round).

  • Remade an old game that me and my friend made before, this time using Construct. If you have about 60 seconds to waste, check it out!

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