Is Construct 3 able to read and display markdown .md files?

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  • I write little tutorials for my students. currently I'll create a small demo cp3 file and the guide is usually a one or two page Word file, or an html page in a VLE.

    I've been working with .md files and it occurred to me how handy it would be to write a short guide in markdown and put it in my Construct project Files folder as something students could have open in a project tab.

    Is it possible to view md files while a construct project is open?

    Alternatively, could I save an html file into files and allow it to open for reading instead of editing? Possibly opening it in read view for existing files, and have an edit mode option or something?

    I suspect these are more feature requests than something I can do now?




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  • If you mean while editing a project, I don't think this is possible. Also, I'm not sure it would make sense, since when one is in edit mode, one should have access to the files inside the project. So even if read-only was implemented, the user should still have the ability to toggle that and gain access to the file.

    May I ask what is wrong with viewing the html/md page in a VLE/some other web server, Word/Google Docs, or a local md viewer? I actually think alt-tabbing to a different window for instructions is less confusing than viewing a read only document tab inside Construct, especially when there are lots of tabs open.

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