Patrick.Muenster's Forum Posts

  • I have a project that works fine on desktop machines but on mobile especially iOS, sound is missing.

    Now comes the strange part: Only music is missing but other effects and the speakers voice are playing like expected.

    I'm using a plugin to play the background music (Advanced Audio Fade Driver). Maybe it has something to do with that...

    But even the plugin doesn't do any blackmagic. It just turns the volume up and down.

    The sound files are imported as m4a and ogg with lowest quality.

    Here is the link to the project:

    You finde the game that isn't working next to the red curtain, the purple one.

  • Reducing about 25 spritesheets to minimum size had an very sgnificant influence on the memory size. The estimated memory size is now 690MB. The spritesheets had a size about 1MB, now they have only 250kb. Very impressive how spritesheet size is influencing memory size.

    Also I've saved every image without any transparency as jpg. This reduced the download size to 193MB.

    Now it's starting on iPad Mini and iPhone X. But still it's not working properly cause background music is missing. I'm using a plugin to play the background music (Advanced Audio Fade Driver). Maybe it has something to do with that...

  • If you want to test your exported game before uploading I recommend using Firefox. Firefox is more tolerant when working with requests to the filesystem or, a much better solution is to run a local server. For example

    Very easy to install and you just have to move your folder to the htdocs folder and all it in any browser with the url localhost/myGameFolder.

    But I dislike shifiting folders around. Therefore here is another solution:

    If you have installed php you could simple switch to your folder on command line and type php -S localhost:5000.

    this will also run a local server listening to localhost:5000 for your current folder.

    So you can open your game by typing localhost:5000 in the URL.

    Remeber all this methodes are only on your system. Nobody else can access them.

    You can read everything in detail here:

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I'm not sure if I get the question.

    Do you want to click/touch a sprite (e.g. a button) and then switch to another layout?

    At first you have to add mouse (or touch) handler to you project.

    Just make a right click to your canvas and use the search on the top.

    Looking in your eventsheet,

    - create a new event and search for the mouse.

    - There you select on click on object and select your sprite.

    - add a action and select system -> go to layout

    That's it

  • As the question said, I have developed a game and it's not working on most mobile devices and I would like to know if there is anything I could do, do get this running.

    A preview of the game is available here:

    You finde the game next to the red curtain, the purple one. It's only available in german.

    Here are some background information about the project. The game was developed in Construct 2 and was exported as HTML and deployed on a server. The download size is 236 MB and the estimated memory size is 1.1 GB. The game consists of several mini games. All but one of them work everywhere, but this one, the biggest, crashed on mobile devices with the exception of the iPad Pro.

    The error message from Safari is: The website has been reloaded because it requires a lot of memory.

    The asset size of this mini game is about 80MB (35MB graphics, 45MB audio).

    I would say that this is not really special, but still it does not work.

    My question is, what can I do or try to get this running.

    Thank you!

  • Perfect, that was exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

  • Is it somehow possible to call a construct function from the browser debug console? Does anybody know how this can be done?

    I've tried to search for it, but haven't found any results.

  • Ok, I've found it!

    Very simple failure.

    I use AJAX requests to load an XML files. One of the was set to "load from URL" and not from "project files".

    Did make any change on the file system but of course on a real server.

    So the issue should be solved.

  • I have an almost finished project that runs perfect in preview mode and the html exported version works also well on my local machine. But pushing it on a server or running it with a local server (Apache) strange things are happening.

    The game loads without any failure (tested with Chrome and Firefox) but a couple of functions aren't working like they are missing.

    I've tried to build with and without script compession and I made sure that it has nothing to do with browser cache.

    I also tried a local server (XAMPP) and two real server.

    One is available here:

    What you see is that the timeline in the upper left isn't working. As I said it works in preview and the export also works from file system in Firefox.

    What other options do I have?

    Hints are very welcome!

  • Thank you, that's the hint I've been looking for!

    In my case, disabling the Drag & Drop behavior for objects on hidden layers seems to solve the problem.

  • Thanks for your replies.

    As far as I have tested, filtering isn't working in this case cause it seems that the upper layer "blocks" the events for the other objects below.

    So, objects below this invisible upper layer seems not to receive my drag event. Or am I filtering wrong?

    Here I filter for visibility of the layer, the object and in addition if the object is on the right layer, but still I can only drag the objects on the top layer. Moving the objects away a little bit, I'm able to drag the objects below them.

  • I have some kind of book pages which are represented as layers in Construct. On every page are different characters. All characters are dragable.

    By switching pages, I activate and deactivate layers and so I can browse through the book and look at the characters. But trying to drag them leads to errors cause is seems that a deactivated layer or object receive events too.

    I there any way to prevent them from getting the click/drag event? I can't find any option to deactivate the layer or the object.

    Further I can't see something like groups to make it easier to control on a single layer. Any suggestions?

  • I have to select a couple of instances in the scene that I have to remove.

    I've saved their IID but I don't know how to select and destroy them by script (Evensheet).

    Is there an example somewhere? I've seen that by script you can pick objects like this:

    myObject(IID).destroy but I can't find a why to do it in an eventsheet.

  • One more thing:

    The browser log says:

    The orientation sensor should no longer be used.

    What else should I use?

  • I'm trying to make a simple character controlled by the gyroscope.

    Technically I know how to build it, but I've made a demo and I wasn't able get any angle out of the app. So there is no reaction on any movement.

    I've tested on Chrome and Firefox on a Surface Go.

    Here is my test Eventsheet: