How do I run my exported game? (HTML)

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  • Im a beginner and im trying to publish my very first game. I wanted to upload it on a browser website first so i exported it to HTML but when i try to run it it says: "Exported games wont work until you upload them." Can i get step by step instructions on what to do?

  • - You can zip your export to 1 package

    - Use some free host like to upload your game(I suggest that you should register an account to make it valid longer, it will be invalid after 1 day if you don't register)

    - Enjoy your game when it upload completely, you can change your site name to make it easy to remember.

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  • If you want to test your exported game before uploading I recommend using Firefox. Firefox is more tolerant when working with requests to the filesystem or, a much better solution is to run a local server. For example

    Very easy to install and you just have to move your folder to the htdocs folder and all it in any browser with the url localhost/myGameFolder.

    But I dislike shifiting folders around. Therefore here is another solution:

    If you have installed php you could simple switch to your folder on command line and type php -S localhost:5000.

    this will also run a local server listening to localhost:5000 for your current folder.

    So you can open your game by typing localhost:5000 in the URL.

    Remeber all this methodes are only on your system. Nobody else can access them.

    You can read everything in detail here:

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