paradine's Forum Posts

  • Neverk and Nagval333, thank you for the response, guys

    And what do you think about the difficulty of the AI?

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  • Ashley

    I know MANY people who start with C2, then they earn 1000$-2000$ selling their games, and then they turn to another game engine because they need native export. In such cases you loose an opportunity to sell business license.

  • intel XDK and crosswalk 11 - it runs 40-45 fps on my mobile device.

    The newest Intel XDK and the newest Crosswalk - it runs 45-46 fps on my mobile device.

    Native APK - it runs 57-58 fps on my mobile device.

  • paradine - you're right, it makes more sense to file a bug directly with NW.js. Have you done that?


    No, I have not.

  • Ashley

    I can't agree with your logic that we would whatever depend on third-party plugins.

    I guess, it's better to depend on 3 third party plugins than depend on 5 or more.

    It's like I would say "Ashley, I want to buy my own house, because I want to be independent from my parents", and you would say "Paradine, it's senselessly, because you will still depend on air to breath."

  • i've spent over 14 years in programming( c,c++,c#, JS, Java and more),

    I guess. either that's not truth or you are a bad programmer, othewise why would programmer use engine without coding?

  • I've not heard of this before, and it's a bug if it's the case. Have you filed a bug report? Ideally the NW.js exporter can work at best performance without having to install anything extra.


    I have not filed a bug report because NW.js is not a part of C2 and also such bug report will not appeal bug report's requirements.

    If you are interested in NW.js bugs, I also found how to solve the problem with random freezez - you have to add "--disable-force-compositing-mode" to "...\Construct 2\exporters\html5\nwjs\package-win.json"

  • There is a very accurate comment from

    [quote:2c0nhbbm]Unless you are creating a game strictly for browser/HTML5 usage, exporting to desktop or mobile is risky, as Scirra have no control over your final export quality. Since desktop uses NodeWebkit and mobile is Crosswalk, Phonegap or CocoonJS there is no guarantee that your final export performance and quality will be up to scratch for pro level 2d games. These 3rd party "browser wrappers" are very prone to breaking and introducing lag and bugs that can't be controlled from Scirra's side.

  • intel XDK and crosswalk 11 - it runs 40-45 fps on my mobile device.

    The newest Intel XDK and the newest Crosswalk - it runs 45-46 fps on my mobile device.

    Native APK - it runs 60 fps on my mobile device.

  • User Dex from created a very cool benchmark - it will help us to compare HTML5 and APK performance.


  • Ashley

    My small test proves that native export is required even if you make a simple game with no behaviours and only one simple event.

    My test contains 5 moving 64x64 squares. The only behaviour they have is "wrap".

    APK - it runs 40-45 fps and 8-13% cpu on my mobile device (Apk is made via last version of intel XDK and crosswalk 11)

    HTML it runs 58-60 fps and 9-11% cpu on the same mobile device


    This test proves that Intel XDK kills about 15 fps in a very-very-very simple game.

    And now imagine what will happen with complex games.

    P.S. Later I can show you the same test built via native apk-export - you will see the difference. It is great.

  • If you're using asm.js physics, there's not much more that can be done to make it faster - it should already be about as fast as physics in a native engine.


    It works well in HTML5 games, but it works bad after export via IntelXDK and Crosswalk 10.

    Particles are already highly optimised and even very large effects should run well (this demo runs nicely on many of the mobile devices we have in our office, with ~800 particles).


    It runs 40 FPS and 60% CPU on my mobile device, but it is HTML5-demo.

    Export this demo to android via IntelXDK and Crosswalk 10 - I guess, you will get about 10 fps or even less.

  • I always ask to see CPU-bottlenecked .capx projects. Usually either nobody sends me any, they send such appallingly inefficiently designed games it is obviously just bad design, or they are actually GPU-bottlenecked. Please do send any good examples of CPU-bottlenecked games, so I can investigate if our engine needs optimising. I rarely see such examples though, which is why I have concluded most games are not CPU-bottlenecked.


    Well, most games that use physics, particles and pathfinding are CPU-bottlenecked.

    If it is really necessery I can send you .capx of my physics puzzle game "Tap & Clapp"

    But it's my commercial game that's why I want you not to send it to anyone else.

  • paradine - as I keep saying, many games we see are GPU bottlenecked, so would not run faster in a native engine.

    Ashley - but many are CPU bottlenecked, they would run much faster in a native engine, I guess.