Ninjadoodle's Forum Posts

  • Hi guys

    I'm not a web expert by any means, and I'm just looking for some advice.

    I have an index.html with a bunch of thumbnails pointing to a mini-game each. The mini-games also have their own pages.

    I would like to display/load a different thumbnail on the main index.html page depending on whether you have completed a certain mini-game or not.

    Is there any way I can have the main index.html page somehow read the 'local storage' of a particular minigame, and load a different thumbnail accordingly?

    I really have no idea whether this can be done, so any help/advice would be really appreciated

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi resdesign

    This is awesome, thanks heaps for porting this

  • Hi clock

    I've been in a similar boat, as I used to make games in Flash.

    Since Flash's demise, I've been really careful about picking a game engine/technology that wouldn't suffer the same fate. I', quite confident that HTML5 isn't going anywhere, and in one way or another, you will be able to deploy games using that technology for a very long time.

    Scirra's products (C2 and C3), are HTML5 game engines (not native). This doesn't however mean that they are not fast. To be honest, from what I've tried and heard of GameSalad in the past, I am pretty certain that C2/C3 provide much more performance and flexibility.

    One of the main reasons I've started using C2/C3 is because of Scirra's support. They have an awesome track record of fixing bugs regularly and keeping the engines up to date.

    Saying this, one can never be completely certain of what will happen in the future - but at least with C2/C3 you don't have much of a learning curve in front of you (like some other engines).

    C3 is still in beta, and the exports to iOS and Android with all the trimmings (ads etc.), still seem to be a work in progress. I personally think that its worth hanging in there and seeing what Scirra comes up with.

    There are other engines out there, both Native and HTML5, that will get you where you want, but if you want a Drag and Drop Game Engine with an easy to understand eventing system and build in effects, particles, physics etc. you will not find an easier and more fun engine to use

  • Hi Nepeo / Ashley

    Thank you very much for your explanation and your help with this issue. I've made another test including only *.m4a sound files, and I can now get my levels to load and play sound on the Galaxy phones I've tested.

    Thanks again for the workaround!

  • Hi Nepeo or Ashley or Tom

    Thank you for your reply. I've tried including an m4a sound file only, and while this works on iOS, I seem to be getting no sound in the Samsung internet browser I'm having issues with.

    I'm currently testing another html5 game framework, and I'm able to include both m4a and ogg file and have no issues with sound playing in all browsers I've tried.

    My question is - if it's so simple for me to get working in an open source framework, why is this such an issue with C3?

    Just curious as I'd like to find a workaround to play sounds across all browsers - even the buggy ones

    Thank you in advance!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi Ashley

    Thank you for the reply. When I try to import OGG into my project, C3 tries encoding it again.

    So basically C3 is not letting me import OGG file, which are the ones I need for Android.

    What can I do about this?

  • Hi Ashley and Tom

    Just wanted to bump this topic to see whether there might be some workarounds to the above problem later - e.g.. using alternate sound files to support these buggy browsers?

    I know you guys are busy so thanks in advance for your reply!

  • Hi 99Instances2Go

    Thank you for the detailed reply

    I will play with around with your suggestions and see what I can come up with.

    I really appreciate you help!

  • Hi NetOne

    Thank you for testing

    I've filed a bug report and it seems to only happen on certain phones (possibly Galaxy phones) as they use their own default browser which has a bug in it.

    Ashley filed a bug report with samsung to get this sorted.

  • Hi Ashley ... Tom and the rest of the Construct team

    Recently I filed a bug report about sound not working in the default browser on a Galaxy S7 (also galaxy S8 I think), and some other android phones I've tested at a local shop.

    Ashley was very helpful and explained that this problem lies with Samsung as there is a bug in their browser and that he lied an issue with them.

    Just for context, I love everything that the Scirra team are doing and also own a business license for C3, as I'm planning on using it quite seriously.

    The problem I have here is that this bug (from my tests) seem to affect a lot of phones. Even if it is only Samsung phones - that is a really big slice of the pie. My main reason for using C3 is the reason that it works so well across a bunch of devices and I can be confident people will be able to play my game without issues.

    I understand the Scirra can't keep on top of every single thing, but I do think that this sort of bug is quite major and there needs to be some sort of workaround. Perhaps using a different sound format that WILL work (as a backup).

    It is quite scary to think that, my games working or not on certain devices lies in the hands of a manufacturer.

    I again want to stress that I love Scirra's products, but in this case I am quite concerned, as I have no idea how long Samsung will take to fix this problem.

    Thank you!

  • Hi 99Instances2Go

    Thank you for the suggestion, I've been playing around with sliding it along a ground object, but I was wondering whether there is a way to have a sort of physics 'motor' or 'joint' that will limit to only horizontal movement?

  • Hi guys

    I've been playing around with physics and its fun, but I'm having trouble with something that seems like it should be pretty simple.

    Is there a way to move a physics object along horizontal axis only (using a joint possibly). Basically I'm trying to get an object to slide from left to right and back again.

    Any ideas would be awesome

    Thank you!

  • Hi guys

    I just wanted to ask whether anyone here has had any issues loading C3 games on an Android browser ( I think its the stock browser, notr Chrome ).

    I've uploaded some test levels and they load fine on iOS but not on Android.

    I've tested this on a bunch of phones (family and friends)

    If you guys could just let me know if these two levels work for you on Android devices, that would be really awesome

    Thank you in advance!

  • Hi Nepeo

    No worries, thank you for your reply

  • Hi Guys

    Does anyone know whether it's possible to create folders in the C3 Dropbox folder, when loading files from the cloud?

    I've tried but they don't seem to show.

    Thank you in advance!