NetOne's Forum Posts

  • Scirra Ashley

    If a player has

    Browser ZOOM Setting to anything other than 100% (very common)

    and or

    Windows Zoom setting for high DPI displays to anything other than 100% (200% would be normal on many high DPI systems)


    This results in

    1) graphics will be the right size but they will look blurry (more prominent on Chrome than edge)

    2) your touch will behave strangely / feel laggy (only in Chrome and more in full screen)

    3) performance drops due to the extra scaling (more obvious in chrome)

    4) janking more regular. (more obvious in chrome)

    5) game feels laggy (again probably due to some extra delay for the scaling)

    Set everything to 100% and everything is good

    For users to have these settings not at 100% is very common, especially on small screens and high end tablets/laptops with high DPIs screens

    But as far as I can see there is no way to control these settings from within Construct and I/we are limited to making a warning notice for players at the start of the game

    Ashley please advise

  • Cryptwalker

    Veneno Roadster, $4m new, only 9 built, estimated $9m used...if one ever comes up.

    lets say , (to make the maths easy and assuming we can now afford a good accountant who can avoid the tax man)

    $3 per game sale...

    then would need only 3 million sales

    ....meh.....that's totally do-able.

    right then demo tonight

    but I am going to now go dark and will resurface with demo....

    see you on the flip side....

    ps looking fwd to playing Raider demo on my return. ..

  • Cryptwalker

    Sorry that was juvenile.

    Actually good question which I haven’t really thought about,

    have been doing healthy / outdoorsy things on the weekends over the summer so haven’t been putting much hours in

    but am intending to go into hermit game dev mode soon.

    Still, I can only work on it maybe 5 hours on a weekends

    (so when I say month then that = about 20 hours )

    So, trying to be optimistic then

    There is no great gameplay plan,

    it will be just shoot things to get points and pick-ups so don’t have to worry about too much there.

    Draw 1 x 1st stage tiled background with 3 transitions. (starting work on that now) (1 month)

    At least 5 different type small / medium enemies (1 month)

    1st Boss system with 1st boss graphics (2 months)

    Ship graphics and pickups – (1 month)

    Hud graphics – (1 month)

    Interstage graphics – (1 month)

    Menu system with options and graphics. – (2 months)

    Sound effects and music (no idea. Could be months)


    .…wish you hadn’t asked that question now….


    and enemy patterns (1 month)

    and bullet patterns and some sort of bullet pattern engine...... ( 2 months)

    terrible question man,,,terrible

    .....wish I hadn't thought about it now.....

    so to answer your questions demo 14-16 months......

  • The more i look at this, the more i get a Darius feel to it. So when do we get to demo ?

    yep very much a darius thing

    demo up - Lolz Invaders

  • hey no fair you said you wanted per object .....

    anyway yea , better to use layers like mekonbekon has done

    I tried out the per object theory in my in-work shmup just to see , the buildings you see are using the per object parallax on a single layer

    so it works but not its not very performant. as you are kind of trying to do stuff the gpu should be doing, interesting though.

  • Thing about never having made games before is you spend alot of time just doing things wrong so you can figure out how to do them right.

    I took a picture off deviant art and cut it up to try to re-create it with construct but in moving parallax

    The buildings are generated randomly

    Think of it as an eye and engine test that failed on both accounts.

    A good lesson in how NOT to make parallax background for a shmup.

  • facecrime

    you set a global variable " screen distance from camera" [Bz]

    (this represents your eye distance to the projection screen (you game window) )

    and every 3d object has as "distance from camera" instance variable [Az]

    then the scale / position of any 3D object is directly related to the "screen distance from camera" variable divided by the "distance from camera" instance variable

    eg scaled size = original size * Bz/Az

    and x or y position from 0 is original x or y * Bz/Az

    its quite simple if you keep every thing in the 2 d plane with no rotation

    here is an old vid where I had it in action

    it is explained better on wiki link below, ignore all the big matrix maths (this is all including rotation) and just go to the last picture at the bottom of the page. (which we can use in 2 d games for simple pan and zoom)

  • just my opinion but I don't think the Scirra / construct forum is the right forum for getting general feedback or promoting a new game.

    You should really post on a forum dedicated to your type of game. Then you will get some real subjective opinions from people who like and play those type of games.

    But here it is mostly creators, with wildly differing ideas and standards. They will be looking very objectively at specific technical aspects or the quality of the artwork etc

    for example if you ask

    "hey guys , Im doing my control like this, can you try it out, how does it feel, is there a better way to do it?"

    you will probably get a lot of technical feedback

    but if you ask

    "hey guys, do you like my game?"

    then you probably wont get much feedback.

  • Sounds like a good idea,

    but I think Ashley will more likely dedicate time to the runtime engine rewrite once C3 out of beta, which will likely solve some of these issues anyway.

    On the same subject.... something that has been bothering me.

    why do we get janks even if our games are frame rate independent ???

    is it because the code can only ever use the previous dt in the current loop? so a single spike dt throws everything off. i.e. you need a more constant framerate for framerate independence to work smoothly ?

  • been messing with an invisible dual analogue touch system for a few months

    have had loads of issues but now ( i think, fingers crossed ) its working quite robustly with fast accurate control possible of the ship. it is really nice with the surface pro 4.

    makes the game very different to playing with the joypad

    still wrestling with backgrounds, im trying to get a system that allows me to specify say 9 or more tiles of any size and then lay them down semi randomly and moving at a speed based on a distance from camera variable. hitting lots of snags, its a bit more complex a problem than I expected.

    game is running in C3 BTW in this vid, yeaay

    and you can see the snappiness of the dual analogue touch

  • Hi ASHLEY. My game is framerate independent and yes in chrome for the most part I am seeing 16ms with impressive performance from the construct engine. but those sporadic 30ms spikes always go hand in hand with a jank.

  • Of course , but sharing implies the creator's proven consent in some , preferably legally binding, form. Anything else is stealing.

    Employing people to trawl the net ripping games for your site is not exactly getting creator consent.

    Assuming the games are not "my first game" or shovelware or fanmade ip infringements then I'm sure the creator's will be interested in some type of deal. This would encourage creators to make better content allowing you to host better games , maybe even some exclusive quality content etc then the world becomes a better place for everyone.....

  • Sorry I didn't mean to fire up the jank thing again.

    jank is a million times better than it was last year as far as I can see to the point that it is almost a non issue. ( Based on my limited number of admittedly mostly modern devices).

    Also on further research it seems maybe edge is not following proper protocol with its varying un vsynced dt. Where as chrome is.

    I was just wondering if there was a something about the chrome 30ms spikes correlation with construct game engine jank that might highlight some chrome or construct issue that would banish jank forever.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ashley just tweeted this, this should help us all. ... ne-update/

    I don't know if html5 can make full use of 6 cores, but the cores are going from shared to being dedicated to the game, so hopefully our games will run faster. And WebGL and many/large textures should benefit from the full GPU access and RAM increase to 5GB.

    Is the Fall Creators Update for Xbox One supposed to come out mid-October like for PC?

    that is sweet news indeed,

    the lambo is back on the table......