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  • Fullscreen scaling

    Scirra Description] - "When scaling fullscreen, whether to scale before (high quality) or after (low quality) rendering"

    Options - High Quality / Low Quality

    Layman Translation

    Not really about fullscreen scaling or "quality" (for the layman)

    Its more like,

    do you want to exactly determine the resolution of the game (use low quality) or

    do you want to display you art assets at their full potential resolution dependent on the display device resolution.(high quality)

    Low Quality

    Uses your Window size setting as the resolution for the game, the game will be drawn at this resolution even if you are using higher resolution sprites (making them blocky at low resolutions). Also all movement will be at this resolution.

    High quality

    doesn't use your window size for draw resolution , window size is used to determine only aspect ratio, scale and movement resolution ) will display all graphics assets as they actually appear in the layout at the highest possible resolution.


    Low quality for "retro" pixel art games.

    High quality for "neo" pixel art games but make sure all your art assets are drawn and scaled at the same resolution ).

    High quality if you want a high res game with real nice high Res art assets

    Low quality for 1080 games with 1080 assets on 1080 screens

    Pixel rounding

    Scirra description - "If on, objects are drawn at integer positions, if off objects can be drawn between pixels"

    Layman Translation

    This setting is all about movement.

    Character, background movement and camera pan and zoom.

    Do you want movement based on the resolution of your window size if so then ON

    or do you want smooth movement regardless of window size resolution if so then OFF.

    this becomes less noticeable/usefull at higher resolutions

    and there is a small but very important omission in the description

    The engine will only draw between pixels if you have "Full screen scaling" set to High quality scaling otherwise there is no point in setting this off .

    It can also lead to weird artifacts and distorted sprites where resolution is close to screen dpi


    ON For "retro" pixel art games authentic look

    OFF when using " high quality" scaling then for very smooth movement

    ON 1080 games viewed on 1080 screens

    OFF for "neo" pixel art games where you want smooth (non retro) movement


    Scirra description - The resize quality for images resized larger or smaller

    Layman Translation

    this is basically anti-aliasing ,

    it smooths out between pixels if your window resolution is greater than your sprites resolution

    Linear = anti-aliasing ON

    Point = anti-aliasing OFF

    for pixel art it is primarily an artistic choice

    using linear can give a nice smoothing effect to pixel art killing sharp edges (it can also make pixel art colours a little washed out looking)

    retro purists would probably say leave it off/POINT

    For higher resolutions it would mainly be used say…

    if you had a 720 game with 720 art assets and you want to avoid jaggies on 1080+ screens

    the same for a 1080 game displaying on 4k devices.

    This setting is something im still looking into so please feel free to correct me.

    Use High DPI display Yes/No

    Scirra description - Use High resolution display where available. If disabled renders in low resolution and upscales

    Layman Translation

    Nothing really to do with High DPI displays directly.

    Yes = overrides / ignores the browser zoom setting and / or any windows scaling setting displaying your game at 100% zoom so it will always launch in the browser looking like it is supposed to do.

    No - if the user is using windows scaling or has browser zoom setting to anything other than 100% will make your game look like shite and potentially introduces scaling and linear interpolation that may cause performance degradation. This setting possibly doesn't work as intended but for now....

    A pretty useless setting - always keep to YES

    Note: "retro" vs "neo" pixel art

    "retro" is where you set your resolution low and draw all sprites at a pixel density matching exactly the screen resolution.

    character movement, camera movement and zoom/scale is all on a pixel to pixel basis.

    basically looks like an old arcade/console game

    "neo" is where you set your resolution low, draw or scale all your pixel art assets to same relative scale

    but where character movement, camera movement and zoom/scaling is smooth

    and usually additive/lighting effects are high res

    eg something like enter the gungeon

  • >


    > i do change window height after launch could that be it???




    Could probably be something like that. At least now you got a bit closer to the answer maybe.

    Hope you find what's causing it

    Cheers man,

    after rifling through old backups and deleting all the events in my game ....found it!

    it was the god damn "Use high-DPI display" ! I had it set to No-

    of course stupidly I thought that this setting meant my game would always render at 1080p pixels and upscale as ness for high dpi (good for performance maybe)

    and this is what the description implies

    but actually what this does is sort of the opposite.

    so high dpi set to no and say zoomed to 200%

    the browser renders the window at the zoomed in game window setting

    so you now have quarter of the pixel density you intended

    then the browser downscales your game to fit the new low resolution window,

    then on top of that it renders your game linear interpolating between he reduced pixel count to make it look all muddy

    its a totally useless setting as far as I can see and is very confusingly described

    high dpi = on , basically means - "ignore browser zoom setting" and should always be left on as far as I can see.

    in light of wasting time on this I am going to start a thread on config settings for the layman

    Ashley these config settings are really badly named and defined

  • tunepunk yes indeed it does !? thanks for taking the time.....

    i took the liberty of trying myself (awesome touch control btw ?? i so want to go on a big adventure with that guy??)

    i see that with your game that chrome still does remember the zoom setting but the relaunched game just ignores it

    i then tried a few of the c3 demos also and get the same result. hmmmmm

    so wtf is going on with my game !!!@##$#@@?

    why is my game taking notice the zoom setting , even after relaunch, when other games arnt ??

    some setting ?

    i do change window height after launch could that be it???

    these are questions to self btw. i will test to see....

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  • Ashley

    Makes no difference

    there are 2 things.

    1: Chrome on windows retains the user set zoom setting of the specific site on reboot browser or reload game.

    2: Chrome global (all sites) zoom setting changes descreetly based on the windows scale setting and does not show this in chrome zoom setting.

    I.e as shown previously if your Windows scale is 200% your chrome zoom setting will show 100 but actually be 200 so you need to set the browser to 50% zoom to actually get 100% zoom and no scaling for game

  • tunepunk currently using linear, changing to point changes the look of the blurriness to more blocky but still blurry.

    as chrome keeps/remembers the zoom setting for the site rebooting browser or re-launching game doesn't change.

    you could argue that there is no reason for a user to change the zoom setting on a web game site but I sure there are many cases where they might.

    but more cause for concern is that high dpi systems 150-200% scale, like your surface pro, will automatically zoom the chrome browser giving blurry graphics without any notice to the user and while the browser still shows 100% zoom.

    this is a pretty serious issue if you ask me.

  • same thing with absolutely no math thanks to construct 2

    (note that this bounces at the angle of the player to the ball "normal to surface angle", which is probably good for games but not realistic, if you were going for more realism you might need add a bit or all of original movement vector angle to the normal angle and add some dampening, but as this is a big bouncy ball I think you can get away with normal to the surface ..)

  • Wow , some awesome stuff being produced. Totally inspiring.

  • justifun

    you dont really need the (sqrt(Self.dx^2+Self.dy^2)) bit in this case you can just use the dy instead or 3, its there to just make it complete if your char was moving at an angle

  • yea so you need to multiply these vectors by the (hypotenuse) which id say a good start would be speed of your dude when he hits the ball (assuming a 100% transfer) or some factor of that speed (for more effect) then should be ok

  • As it is a semi circle cant you just, on collision, use the angle from the centre (origin / image point) of the ball to an image point on your character sprite (maybe a bit nearer the bottom ) ?

    no fancy maths needed.

    sin cos for the vectors if you need.

  • Ashley

    High DPI surface pro

    windows scaling /zoom 200% (default/recommended setting for surface pro 4)

    due to need to scale, higher dpi screens give blurrier graphics in chrome 100% zoom !

    edit: again , notice the window mid variable is half the the window pixel width)

    chrome 100 % zoom (already blurry, this will be the standard setting so this is what most players will see!)

    chrome 150 % zoom

    chrome 50% zoom (looks like 50% zoom in chrome cancels the 200% scaling in windows)

  • Ashley

    Testing basic browser zoom setting in chrome on a 1080 screen with no windows scaling

    Sorry not the best example as the explosion sprite is actually blurry but you can see from the other stuff

    On windows this happens regardless of browser or game reset. Chrome maintains the zoom level setting

    The player could be inadvertently playing a game that looks like picture 3 when it could/should look like picture 1

    edit: noticed that window mid variable is half the the window pixel width so you can see that scaling reduces pixel density this is also probably what is affecting touch)

    Chrome 100% Zoom

    Chrome 150% Zoom

    Chrome 200% Zoom

  • HI Ashley

    I commented under the github issue but it looks real busy over there and the issue has been closed for some months.

    I know that you have implemented the new rgbEx() expression to allow use of similar values but importing still results in the wrong tint values.

    Is it possible to link the old C2 tint effect values to the rgbEx() expression on import? So all would be well on import?


  • >

    > > Set system time scale to 0 for pausing.

    > >

    > the problem with that is that i cannot use any actions that i required for changing options in te pause menu.


    You set the menu objects timescale to 1 then they are not affected when system timescale is set to 0.

    to add :

    I found you only need to set one of the menu objects to timescale 1 and just reference that object's timescale for any moving/animated menu objects when the rest of the game is timescale 0

  • I'll try to do a vid this weekend. It is definitely a thing but it might just be a Surface Pro thing. They do seem to highlight a lot of the quirks with Chrome.