If a player has
Browser ZOOM Setting to anything other than 100% (very common)
and or
Windows Zoom setting for high DPI displays to anything other than 100% (200% would be normal on many high DPI systems)
This results in
1) graphics will be the right size but they will look blurry (more prominent on Chrome than edge)
2) your touch will behave strangely / feel laggy (only in Chrome and more in full screen)
3) performance drops due to the extra scaling (more obvious in chrome)
4) janking more regular. (more obvious in chrome)
5) game feels laggy (again probably due to some extra delay for the scaling)
Set everything to 100% and everything is good
For users to have these settings not at 100% is very common, especially on small screens and high end tablets/laptops with high DPIs screens
But as far as I can see there is no way to control these settings from within Construct and I/we are limited to making a warning notice for players at the start of the game
Ashley please advise