Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • You don't technically need to use the Browser plugin anymore. In the C3 runtime you can add inline Javascript statements, which can use function parameters etc.

  • I made some tweaks to your example project which might help you understand better. But Ashley is right that you might benefit looking for explainers on how bytes and binary values are stored in memory.

  • The plugin requires some low level knowledge of how binary data works, just because of how it works. So in general it is quite a bit more advanced than the average plugin.

    Uint8 has a maximum value of 255. So when you store the values 1 to 400, once the value surpasses 255 it will wrap back around ( value = value % 256 ). So what you have actually stored is:

    Index Value
    255 255
    256 0
    257 1

    I imagine the reason why you cannot get uint32 to work as you expect is that it requires 4 bytes per value. The setter accepts a "byte offset", so you need to multiply your index by 4. Otherwise you are partially overwriting the previous values with each set action like so:

    Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5
    Set Uint32 "1" at offset "0" modified 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 1 0 0
    Set Uint32 "2" at offset "1" 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 2 0
    Set Uint32 "3" at offset "2" 0 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 0 modified 3
  • The transaction expression returns a JSON blob containing additional information about the transaction, this includes the receipt information for server side validation. I will add a note that we need to add information about it to the manual.

    As for the API update we are awaiting the update of a 3rd party module that will allow us to upgrade, they are aware of the deadline and are working on the issue so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Once it is available we will update.

  • JSON files which match the Array format will be opened in the Array editor instead of the text editor. If you use a slightly different format then it will be opened in the text editor instead. But I guess if you need the file to be loadable by the Array plugin then you will need to keep it in this format.

    There isn't a direct method of opening it in the text editor, although I think we might have had this in the past. The easiest way to trick the system is to rename the file and change the file extension to something other than "json". You will lose the JSON syntax highlighting doing this unfortunately. Also depending on what you change it to you might have issues loading the file in the runtime as the mimetype won't be JSON.

  • Are the scores coming from a different device? I would have thought submitting data for that leaderboard would invalidate the local cached copy.

    I remember having some issues with adding achievements on the console then having to force it to sync before they would appear on device. My guess was that they didn't bother checking for changes in that data very often.

    I'll be honest, it's been awhile since I've had to work on that particular part. I don't remember any issues but generally I preferred using the leaderboard dialog to requesting the leaderboard information and displaying it myself. So if there is a desync issue there I might not have seen it.

    As I said, if you think it's important I'm happy to investigate adding the options.

  • I own a number of games produced by medium sized studios that have to be manually resized each time they are launched... I think the windows API just isn't very friendly to use!

  • It's very rare that you actually need to force an update. Even if you force a reload the data could change after that but before you use it. It will quite often update it when you request it anyway.

    I think it was basically decided to not be that useful, they advise against using it unless you need to. It should be relatively simple to add in I think if you believe it to be useful.

  • The Cordova team is still discussing it. While there is currently a warning for it, this will not prevent you from publishing.

    You can follow their discussion at They appear to be treating it as a high priority issue, but the problem is complex.

  • There are additional settings available that we do not currently expose in the Admob SDK and User consent SDK ( which are used by the Mobile Advert plugin ). There's a guide here but it's somewhat confusing in places.

    If we can figure out which are relevant then I am happy to implement the required actions etc. for the next beta release.

  • Thanks for the kind words! I try to take the time to help users understand where I can, I feel like the more users who know how things work the better it is for our community. Hopefully it encourages them to assist others with the similar problems. Also I'm the sort of person who likes to understand how things work, so when I get a chance to talk about it I just want to share it with whoever is interested :P

    In the past I've made a couple of suggestions for Tuesday tips to Laura, I think she does well to come up with something every week. I would definitely struggle... I've been considering writing a few blog posts here and there about technical things. Depending on the content some of it might make it into Tuesday tips. So watch this space I guess.

    In terms of looking at your iPhone X issue it's actually clocking out time on Friday evening, so I haven't really got the time to look at it right now. Sorry about that, but I will try to get around to it :/ Actually have another project I'm supposed to be looking into as well but I've been bogged down trying to sort out server stuff this week. Anyway, I just wanted to respond to your message before I went home for the weekend, because it means a lot to hear nice things. Thanks again! :)

  • Had a quick search and found this.

    Apparently this became a warning in Android SDK 28 (or possibly 29 I can't remember). The warning is actually caused by Google maintained webview code.

    Quote from a related stack overflow post

    In short, there's likely nothing you can do about this particular warning, so I wouldn't worry about it. It's happening in the device's Chromium WebView implementation, so it's outside of your application's control. As both Android and Chromium are published by Google, if there is a legitimate issue in a future release, an update will be published to the WebView implementation before it becomes a problem.

  • Hi tarek2.

    I apologise that I haven't replied yet, I had leave on Friday and I've been trying to push through a rather tedious chunk of work.

    Projects built in C3 using either the C2runtime or C3runtime should appear correctly. C2 projects built using the build service via C3 will have some parts of the fix, but I expect will not appear correctly. I'm intending to investigate if I can apply the rest of the fix.

    I would expect the tweaks I suggested to work, as that is the process we are using in C3. But perhaps there's something gone awry. When I get a moment I will try to look through your responses proper...

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    This change is now also in iOS. It was added in yesterdays beta release.

  • A bug report please. It's easier to keep track of. If you aren't happy making the project public then just make a note of that on the report and email me the files at