Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • I'm afraid not, the whole plugin definition is treated as a static type object. After it has been created it doesn't do much other than hold information. Trying to read back the value of a plugin property is also pretty hard, as the definition of the property is decoupled from the actual value. Took a fair bit of gymnastics to get dynamic variables to work.

    We could probably add something like this, but it could add weird side effects ( plugin list becomes non-deterministic ), and I'm not sure what the advantage is?

  • luckyrawatlucky you can't create multiple ones at the moment I'm afraid. The easiest solution is probably to store the values into an array object. The only thing you lose doing this is the index wrap around when trying to read values, but I'm guessing not many people are relying on that.

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  • Looking at the licensing document provided by fredriksthlm you appear to only be able to use it for "static content". So you can create an image with prerendered text, and add that to your game. But using it to render text either via a text object or sprite font is not allowed.

    Fonts have 2 generalized forms of license; desktop and web. Adobe's license sounds very "Desktop". Desktop allows you to use it on your computer, and with design software. Web allows you to put it on your server, so that people visiting your website can use it. The limitations depend who you buy it off, but typically web fonts cost more. For example looking at "" they charge a one off fee for Desktop usage, but charge per use if you want to put it on a server.

    I would recommend avoiding closed source fonts and just picking an open source one, it's very easy to find good open source fonts nowadays. Google Fonts has a large collection which can be downloaded easily

  • For Android we generate the version code from the project version. Using the sum (((((MAJOR * 100) + MINOR) * 100) + MAINTENANCE) * 100) + BUILD where the format of the project version is MAJOR.MINOR.MAINTENANCE.BUILD. If you don't use all 4 values, then the omitted values are treated as 0.

  • The C2 runtime and the C3 runtime both include some cordova plugins by default, and they vary slightly. So it's possible. I'll try recreating your project as close as I can and see if I get the permission.

  • I did some test builds to see what the results were for various plugins:

    Google Play

    • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

    Mobile Advert

    • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
    • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK


    • none

    Mobile IAP


    Additionally I tried uploading an APK to the Google Play Console to see if WRITE also caused READ to appear. It doesn't, so something is explicitly adding the READ permission in your app, but I'm not sure what it is at the moment.

  • I believe the Admob SDK requests WAKE_LOCK, NETWORK_STATE & BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE, it's not something we specify. I expect WAKE_LOCK is used for full screen adverts.

    I've updated the Share plugin, I believe the new versions should already be included in builds.

    Mmm I've been using the aapt CLI command to inspect APKs. Either there is a plugin I'm not aware of using READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, or the play store adds it if your using WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for some reason.

    What other mobile orientated plugins are you using?

    Share, Mobile Advert and... ?

  • fredriksthlm I have yet to see a single APK with the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on, can you confirm what method you are using to check what permissions are on the APK?

    I looked at the share plugin, and it does require the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. But only for sharing remote files/images. It's fairly trivial to remove, and we don't currently expose an action for doing that so should be a safe enough change. If we do add one in future then the permission check box can be used.

  • Yeah looks fine now, I prefer tea though ;)

  • Only shows the first frame for some reason, then goes blank. CreativeMind I think it shows related gifs when you hover over it, which do work!

  • Tokinsom You should try firing up the "Raycast reflections" example project. It casts a ray with "as many reflections as it needs". Depending on how long those rays are that is a lot of collision checks. I'm seeing ~1.5% CPU time increase for 50000 collision checks per second.

  • I think when sharing anything other than text the share plugin has to save the content to public storage somewhere, which is probably why it has it. We actually already forked the share plugin a while back to workaround an issue. So we can make changes to it if we need to.

    Thanks for telling me about this, I will take a look at the plugin and try to decide what the best action to take is.

  • We only have 1 version active at a time, it's not configurable. It's currently v9.

    The exporter places a version number into the config.xml for PGB users, as their default version is quite old, but the build service doesn't use that.

  • I've updated the string to

    Property "{0}" of the "{1}" plugin is required to export your project, but it is currently blank. Please complete the property and retry.

    Which I'm hoping is a bit clearer?

  • Yeah sorry I spent about 20 minutes trying to wrap my head around how it would work, comes across in how I explained it! I was proposing a transpose feature yes. 3 buttons transpose x - y, transpose x - z, transpose y - z

    The data editor is on it's second major revision and it's still quite complicated to work with. I have ideas on how to improve it further, but can't justify the time required to tear it to pieces and rebuild

    it again. Which is a shame, because I think it would have made this easier.