So, the last APK I made that worked was my, and I think I made it with construct r162 and r163(not certain). I generally don't use beta versions of construct(for reasons like this) but I had accidentally updated it one of my computers and did a bunch of work on it without knowing, and as you know, projects can go up the release food chain, but not back down. By chance, I do have a c3 file for it as well as an APK (debug APK only).
I also have the c3 file for the current project, and an APK for it as well. Go figure. Now, I realize that I am in a bit of a spot here, but I don't really want to release the files in a bug report if I can help it.
Nepeo If it is easier for you, I could email the files to you guys, then you could tell me if you think it deserves a bug report or not. The last time I tried to make a bug report, it was already fixed, and the report was useless. Oops. But up to you.