mutajon's Forum Posts

  • As always, thank you for the wonderful help.

  • dop2000 Thanks!

    But say I have a large table in Google sheets/excel - what would be the easiest way to get it into an array in construct?

    (Without manually retyping it all over within construct as an array file...)

    Thanks again!

  • So I did exactly as suggested in this thread (see pic).

    Yet in the debug mode I see that the AJAX.lastdata indeed contains the json content, yet the array stays completely empty.

    Any ideas?


    The (tiny) project file

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  • Thanks for your thoughts and ideas :)

  • Thanks again.

  • Thanks.

    But how can I start reworking events regarding tweens if I can not add a tween behavior to the family at all?

    It seems as though the only way is to delete the behavior (= also the events...) from the individual sprites, then start over at the family level... :-(

  • Hi :)

    So I've created a bunch of sprites with the tween behavior and also put up some actions using tweens.

    I then decided I want to add all the sprites to a family, so I could control them all via the family instead of individually.

    However, it is now impossible to add the tween behavior to the family (the tween behavior simply missing from the list)... Is it because the individual members of the family already have the tween behavior? If so, how can I pass it up to the family level?

    As it stands now, I can not, for instance, disable all tween behavior at the family level, and need to do so individually (even though they are all part of the same family).

    Thanks for helping!

  • Apparently this only happened on my mac.. on PC everything's fine.

  • Hi :)

    Thanks for trying to help!

    So I have these mosaic pieces that are covered (=overlapped) by ground tiles [see pic].

    I've set an event that supposed to cause a mosaic piece to start flashing if it is completely uncovered (=doesn't overlap ANY ground tiles)[second pic].

    This works exactly as intended in the debug layout. However, in the preview layout, mosaic pieces start flashing as soon as ANY ground tiles are removed from them (even if they are still partially covered - as in the pic).

    What's going on?


  • Great - thanks again :-)

  • Thanks!

    Will check it out.

  • Thanks again!

    I think this second idea might work... will check it out.

  • Thanks for the idea!

    However, I have many pairs of objects I want to group. Creating a family for each pair seems kinda messy...?

  • Thanks a lot!

  • Hi!

    Is there a way to group objects (e.g. sprites or texts) while working in the editor? So that when I move one they will all move - again, talking about moving in the Construct editor NOT in-game.

    I know I can select multiple object by dragging/holding shift, that's not what I mean. I mean grouping them (power-point/word-style) so that next time it's enough to click just one of them and move it (and the grouped objects will move with it)

    Thanks :)