mudmask's Forum Posts

  • TheSynan yes

  • word

  • Gillis, are you wanting the two terrain types to mesh, or just live in the same space?

  • it's also super helpful to have an array that corresponds to your tilemap. I don't know if you already have it laid out that way.

  • oh wait I just re-read your post. so basically I made another loop that just looked for a tile that had a tile to the top, to the right, but nothing to the top right (diagonal) and then I changed that tile accordingly. I know it's not as awesome and automated as you might like... but that's what I did.

  • SoldjahBoy haha uhhhh... I think rojo made a slick example... let me find it.

    Here you go -

  • KnivetonStudios good call! There's going to be at least 5 variations of each possibility, for both the background portions that create the silhouette of the mountain as well as the platforming sections within. hopefully that will break it up a bit. also I've been trying to figure out how to tweak my loop for creating a single mountain peak to perhaps make a double or even a triple peak, and I'm also trying to figure out how to add in elements like waterfalls (later).

  • - thanks man! it'll have some rouge-ish elements I guess. which aspects of that genre do you like the most?

  • bclikesyou thanks homie - it doesn't feel 'mountainy' enough yet though... but the idea is there I guess haha

  • KnivetonStudios - thanks for that encouragement friend! It'll most likely not be free, but affordable. My wife wouldn't have it if I put it out there for free

  • For the sake of scale, here's a fairly large generated mountain:

    (I know these aren't the tightest graphics right now - thanks for following along regardless!)

  • thanks guys!

    KnivetonStudios - probably steam...

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  • Slowly but surely plugging away. This has been a really neat project to work on, and I've learned a ton. In this example, I randomly generated a mountain, in part using the bitwise method and TMX files, as well as using the spelunky style of level generation. You only see the peak of the mountain here and some hastily drawn mountain peaks in the background, but the whole mountain is huge!

    Next I'll be adding in more variation in the different parts of the mountain, as well as some enemy interactions. I'm planning on adding in some caves, too. We'll see how long that takes... this literally took like 3 weeks to figure out!

    Anyways if anyone out there is still following along, thanks

  • looking good!

  • mudmask

    I dont know why, but this gif made me laugh xD

    Haha I've been laughing too. I'm building in some aggression now. melaniko thanks, I've been using Spriter to speed up and streamline my animations. So it took some time but not as much as it normally would!