mudmask this is exactly what I'm looking for (mostly the island/landmass generation part). For my game, I plan on generating a new worldmap per campaign. What ever happened to this project? Did you turn it into a template on the store?
Ah. I hate to say this, but I stepped away from game design for a bit.
But I'm back at it. And this is a project that I will once again rehash. You can check out some of my smaller releases on my own page, mountgamer.com.
And thanks for rehashing this old thread. This project was awesome! I'm ashamed to admit, it got a little too be big for me. I'm going to reuse the tile generation of the overworld and mix it with the larger TMX placement of the subworlds and turn it into something else.
same boat as you man, just gettin back into it. And I left off with workign on my own version of what you're doing here! Similar concept as my game, 3D overworld map, but digs into a 2D sidescroller. You can see the sidescroller part here - youtube.com/watch
Let me know if you're interested in working together, could always use a helping hand