mudmask's Forum Posts

  • so Savvy001 - do you know if the premium plans increase speed at all?

  • Savvy001, OK that makes sense! how does that work with jumping for example? will a lerp still do the trick? And what about animations? Just raise more events?

  • thanks TabloidA

    Savvy001 - ok so, here's essentially what I'm doing for both plugins:

    1. I'm using setbit/getbit for the player's inputs

    2. I have it check for whenever the player's input variable changes, it raises and event that sends out that particular players inputs to the other players

    3. that input is then synced with the corresponding player objects on the other screens

    So essentially, it's not even raising events to sync positions at regular intervals. to account for discrepancies though, I raise two events that sync X and Y for each player every .5 seconds. Maybe I'll fold that in to a token though.

    Anyways - is that not a good method? Can you go more in depth into how you would do that, to achieve relatively smooth movement with low latency?

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  • Savvy01 - I hear ya. So minimizing all those factors would be one of the biggest advantages. However here's what concerns me, but maybe I'm doing something wrong? Here are some side by sides:

    Multiplayer Plugin:

    Photon Plugin:

    Is there any way to get that level of latency on photon? Even the examples that I've run that other people have made have similar results.

  • Savvy001 - I guess the true test would be in implementing bullets and a scoring system...

  • hey - who was in there just now?

  • Also, if you happen to be the host on the multiplayer plugin version, you can drag that green block around in the spawn area... also players can shoot on that version using X

  • OK guys - this plugin seems really awesome. So far it's been way simpler to implement over the multiplayer plugin.

    I thought I would compare two versions of an early build of a multiplayer platformer I'm working on (surprise), but actually I'm able to achieve better latency locally with the multiplayer plugin than I am with photon. I was hoping you guys could jump in here and do some tests and let me know what you guys think.

    Controls: arrow keys and Z to jump

    Photon Version: ... rs/photon/

    Multiplayer Version:

    It seems advantageous to use a cloud based system to host, instead of individual users becoming hosts. But I'm wondering if the competitiveness would suffer with the current latency I'm getting, even on my local machine? Do the premium plans cut down on latency? Also I haven't been able to test too much over a long distance.

    Note: if no characters show up, either give it some time or hit refresh. Seems like the spriter files take a bit to download sometimes. Also for whatever reason, players aren't disappearing when they disconnect. I'll figure that out later.

    Thanks guys!

  • Fervir - just out of curiosity, did you end up switching to photoncloud? I've got player syncing working pretty well with the multiplayer plugin... but now I'm wondering about projectiles, and a few guys have recommended it so far.

  • You know when you've started a bunch of projects, and a few them are are almost complete... but then you keep starting more projects?

    some multiplayer testing going on here:

  • Rable - you're looking for this:

  • Colludium - sorry to hear that, but man I feel you. I have a bunch of projects that I'm circling back around through from time to time, a lot of them I've had to hit pause on because life/work/family got a bit busier! Right now I'm messing with something that wouldn't be more than maybe 4 vs 4... so hopefully it won't get too complex!

    So hey... any other tips you'd want to share?

  • Colludium - this looks great man. So it seems like, as per you and apeisa, data sync seems to be the way to go? I spent some time looking through that example, seems like there might be a way to simplify all of that though. Are you sending json packets for bullets as well?

  • troublesum - just skimming through the comments here... this looks like a great proof of concept, man. thanks so much. doesn't seem like any of the described problems will be too big of a deal if you know your way around construct. this is about how I figured things could sync up a bit better.

    I'm curious to hear how you've applied this to any personal projects - got anything in the works right now?

  • gillenew crushing it as usual