megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Don't go away yet! From top of my head, here are mine!


    Solid Plus - switch on or off collisions only between selected objects. Also support for isometric objects.

    RTS Plus - Moving objects can avoid each other, too not to bump or overlap each other.

    Array Plus - you can name columns and rows for ease of requesting data.

    Isometric Movement - For rts or iso kb/pad controlled games. Allows to set different speeds to different directions. Specifying at what angles those directions are. Also, eventually, allows for slightly bend turning if two directional buttons are held (for example: forward and right if controlling char trough kb or pad )

    Ladder/Bridge - self explanatory


    Easy Menu - a plugin that easily lets you create menu's. Whatever can be done in ide, the rest can be set by events.

    Easy Inventory - grid based drag-n-drop inventory, set size and number of cells. Has it's own array for ease of access trough events.

    Easy HUD - Allows for creating HUD from predefined options.

    Minimap - self explanatory

    Dialog Progression ( for text ) - a plugin that lets you easily display text in succession. Additional option to create choices that appear underneath the displayed txt. ( ref. rpg maker )

    2d pathfinding - Pathfinding for 2d games, includes following other object.

    Aurel Would be even better if texture plugin would support manually changing textures quality trough in-game options in menu.

  • megatronx I remember someone was working on an XNA exporter a long long time ago, but I think along with the change from multi-export to HTML5 pure the options for third party exporters also went out the window (I was under the impression that at one point the plan was to have some sort of SDK/engine parts exposed to allow third party native exporters that were not HTML5/Javascript based).

    Ashley Would that still be possible?

  • Why there are no programmers yet, that would write exporters and put them up in the store, I wander?

  • To top things off, most people abuse the hell out of collision detection in construct since they have a poor understanding of the costs associated with it and the mechanisms behind it's operation. It's very easy to blindly apply collision detection throughout code for repeated conditions, but really most engines have a SINGLE collision detection run per frame because it's so expensive, when in construct you can end up with many many many collision detections per frame, which make things "tighter" at tremendous cost. Behaviors are also a big issue because of how general they are, the expense they incur quickly adds up.


    As far as I remember, C2 compiles those in to one list on export/preview.

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  • Because it already is

  • megatronx have you ever reported this behaviour with a real bug report? It seems odd that this shouldn't be fixable, especially if there is a 3rd party plug that does it right.

    Well, I didn't think of it as bug, until you mention it, but just as a bad programing. Maybe even assumed that it was only problem due to my events, and since there was instantly working alternative, I just forgot all about it. I also thought people might have known about it! I don't really know why I assumed that.

  • Platform plus, aside from couple more features, has all the problems you guys mentioned. However, it is smooth. That came out when I was doing rebindable keys code, and had two players mode, where both players where controlled using kb. Official platform behaviour could not run two characters simultaneously at all. And even on single player it wasn't exactly smooth. Fast forward a year - recently did another little prototype, and used official platform plugin, but it was still jugging, so I switch to platform plus, and again everything worked smooth. Fixing some of the problems like: sticking to ceilings or walls, or double jumping when near wall corners is not very difficult - it's irritating, annoying and wastes time - but it's not difficult.

  • Here's my 2 cents:

    The only time I get jank in my game (using latest NW.js) is sometimes when my character is running left or right, it kind of stutters heavily. But that's fixed by just running in the opposite direction, stopping and then running the way you wanted.

    Aside from that, there's a slide pause when I change into morph mode, but that only happens once.

    If you are using platform behaviour, the official one is broken. The platform plus works like a charm.

  • It's awesome, but tap demo is not working!

  • Hi rex, could you make better example for ajax2cvs? current one shows me asian signs in open office and I have no clue what's going on?! THX!

    Also, how exactly cvs2array works? Basically how my spreadsheet should be like in order to easily convert to array?

  • At any given moment a object has a position (x,y) and a velocity (vx,vy). Using a formula like rate*time=distance, you can guess what an object's position in the future will be: (x+vx*t, y+vy*t), where t is the number of seconds in the future. If the object's velocity does not change then the guess will be 100% correct.

    So checking in the future just means to move the objects to where they will be, check for overlaps, and then move them back.

    For formations each object has it's own goal, which is pretty straightforward.

    Collision response is what will allow units to not walk over each other or not walk over the walls.

    For units this is done by finding the distance between each pair of units and just move each away from each other if they are two close.

    For units against walls you find the distance to each side of the wall and use the closest side to push away from. This distance calculation is the distance from a line to a point, which is different from the distance from a point to a point. ... find2.capx

    Thank you so much for all your help. I ultimately decided I will go with pathfinding. Since setting rotation to very high number got rid of that annoying delay, I wander if your technique of units not stepping in to each other would work with pathfinding too?

  • Bump

  • Hi,

    I've seen example some time ago of connected pathfinding with physics, for units not to overlap each other. I've spent long time yesterday searching for it but couldn't find it. Could anyone explain to me how can I do that?


  • BTW, I thought that official path finding could be fixed to support moving on isometric/hexgen grids.

    I would like to try it.

    Yes please! Also maybe include collisions checks so the units don't walk on to each other!

  • I've been trying to make a website lately and hated Wordpress. It didn't allow me the customization I wanted, and I didn't want to have to try a thousand different themes to find one that was set up correctly. I am however new to Wordpress, and so possibly misunderstood how to use it.

    Regardless, I recommend this: I just tried it and it's similar in feel to C2, has lots of great features, drag and drop placement, isn't too expensive, has a free demo and you can even incorporate a C2 game as an element of a page rather than using C2 for the entire page itself without too much difficulty. Here's a peek at what I've been doing with it - I didn't mean to show this to anyone yet so please excuse how stuff is strewn about and misaligned as it's only for testing purposes:

    It has a couple of images rotating at faint opacity using CSS animation and a C2 game overlaid across most of the entire page for the trailing particles following the mouse. That required a little tweak to the index.html C2 generates to get the game to have a transparent background, but aside from that, no code editing was needed. The page itself is at a lower opacity, it's not normally supposed to be that dark, but you get the idea of some of what can be done.

    What do you need in WP? I probably will be able to help you. Used to do it professionally.