Maybe post a small example of what you are doing so people can have a look.
Not doing anything complicated. Basically have minions walking from base to the resources point, where timer is suppose to trigger their time working or offloading, and stop movement condition. On timer they suppose to get back to the base, one by one, each with own timer. When each one of them is at the base, the timer starts again stopping movement for short while, ( state is changed to Offload etc), and that's how they continue traveling back and forth. Units movement conditions where under For Each, Timer trigger was not, and at the end of mining or delivering conditions, timer was starting, on timer calling couple of functions responsible for setting targets. But after a while it would always drop one, or two, then three etc units, which would stand there with all the variables set to make a move, but doing nothing. And so I noticed that issue appear to happen at the time trigger moment. Removed it, replace with wait ( duplicated couple of actions unfortunately :/ ), and everything works as it supposed to.
Anyway, I don't even have original version of the events anymore I spent whole day trying to sort it out, moving things around. Nothing fixed the issue! I'll probably keep timer for simpler tasks from now on.
newt If you have to use "for each" then that is a bug. No, when I placed a timer under For Each, it didn't work at all. Thought there was no error message either.
Possibly how the tags are set up. I sometimes set tags like this :< "name" & str(object.uid) > , but in both cases, weather it was just a name or name paired with uid, it didn't work, or rather, was bugy. It did display the tag properly in the debug, thought now I realised I didn't look up if tag's name uid is the same as the instance's.