megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Good luck for you with your future projects.

    Also, I want to ask a question for those who used UE4 and Unity + Playmaker: Which one is more easy to get into and use: blueprints or Playmaker?

    I recently watched official tutorial series and few more random official advanced tutorial videos about blueprint, and although it allows for more complexity then c2, logic is really simple! The thing I've noticed is that there is a very long list of actions which need to be remembered to be efficient with it. I don't have time yet to start practicing it, but it is something I might start learning in the future.

    It also have a lot of convenient elements, I've been talking about on this forum to implement in c2. You don't need to constantly create new events and variables from different tabs - you create logic node by node, because nodes have shortcuts to elements that can be used at and with particular node. Same goes for objects: they can show actions and conditions that can go only with their type. And if you need something different then you can look trough list of conditions, actions and variables. In terms of variables thought, it has 6 types if I remember correctly. So here construct wins.

    Also there is number actions that allow for creating better gameplay. Stuff like delay, that lets you delay next node by number of seconds! And it all works with triggers! Wait doesn't work with triggers in c2. And to create delay, you need to build your own set of events first, and sometimes you can confuse yourself. That is the kind of stuff is what I was asking for in my topic "3cents about c2 and c3", additional actions that have certain functions, but I always hear "you can do it with events" answer from Ashley, which is fair, but in reality it is pain in the **** and I don't think that implementing actions like this would be much of work, and they would be very helpful.

    So will be definitely looking in the future in to blueprint. Thought I hope c3 will turn up better.

  • > Hi,


    > I have a question about creating objects and then triggernig On Created. Basically, if have different enemies, all in one family, if let's say I create enemy10 will then On Family Enemies created will work for that particular object? And what if I create number of different enemies at the same time? Thx


    All objects that are part of the family will trigger both there object and family On created event. Since "On created" is a trigger it will trigger for each object so this shouldn't be a problem if you spawn more at the same time, as they will be handled individually.

    The priority of triggering the "On created" is object first then family. So family settings will overwrite the object settings.


  • Hi,

    I have a question about creating objects and then triggernig On Created. Basically, if have different enemies, all in one family, if let's say I create enemy10 will then On Family Enemies created will work for that particular object? And what if I create number of different enemies at the same time? Thx

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  • > Also Ashley Could you please add keyboard, joypad and mouse action : Cancel Input, so all keys that are currently pressed would stop working and require player to press them again?


    Again, this seems easily doable with events. I don't want to get in to the habit of adding built-in features that just replicate what a few simple events could do.

    Ok, no problem, but could you instruct me how I could achieve that with events, please?

    EDIT@ On key pressed: toggle boo ON, Is Boo: move, On event: Toggle Boo OFF . I think this will work. And I'm going to leave this here if someone will need it.

  • >

    > Hey,


    > I was thinking about conversation in this topic. Friend encouraged me to continue a certain project I was affraid of finishing (quite personal and you want to have those working perfectly ). Thanks to your posts and Ro0j's help i got from him throughout the years, I decided to limit using plugins and do as much possible with events. So far it seams to work better then with plugins. But I'd like to ask you if you could explain this math formula to me, what exactly does it do?


    > Thx!


    > glerikud I think move too should also be an action. Overall there should be more target action, as well as option to pin to image points. More actions is something I'm thinking often about too.


    > Btw, does every tick: set position to img point is as efficient as PinTo?


    The formula is to calculate the position of an object(position) based on an angle and distance and the starting point (X,Y) of another object(position)

    Position written next to the objects are from the editor, just so you can see there placement there.

    Regarding the every tick and pin to. Im pretty sure its the same. There might be a different to when the position change takes place. As the pin to might happen during the first period of a tick, where as a every tick might happen depending on where you put it in the code. But resource wise I don't think there is any different, not 100% sure but close enough that I wouldn't bother about it

    Thx! Interesting! Thought have no clue how I could use this yet!

    Also Ashley Could you please add keyboard, joypad and mouse action : Cancel Input, so all keys that are currently pressed would stop working and require player to press them again? This is crucial. Imagine a scenario where a power is activated, and that power stops all movement. When the power events end I want the player to press keys again in order to move. Currently if you hold movement buttons, when power ends, the character continues to move, and because I'm doing an isometric game, if direction is being switched mid trough, the player moves backwards. This also would work for other action games, where for example a hit from enemy interrupts player attack.


  • X + cos(angle) * dist, Y + sin(angle) * dist

    I dare say the most inspiring formula there is, and we don't even have an expression for it.

    I would also say that if it doesn't inspire, you need to find out why it should.


    I was thinking about conversation in this topic. Friend encouraged me to continue a certain project I was affraid of finishing (quite personal and you want to have those working perfectly ). Thanks to your posts and Ro0j's help i got from him throughout the years, I decided to limit using plugins and do as much possible with events. So far it seams to work better then with plugins. But I'd like to ask you if you could explain this math formula to me, what exactly does it do?


    glerikud I think move too should also be an action. Overall there should be more target action, as well as option to pin to image points. More actions is something I'm thinking often about too.

    Btw, does every tick: set position to img point is as efficient as PinTo?

  • i use repeat -> choose(0,1) to make an event happen with 50% probability, and it works. You can also use different ratios.

    That's a cool way of using it!

    Thanks everyone for you help!

  • Repeat 1 - will run just once

    Repeat 2 - will run twice


    I have something like this in my game, and works just fine.

    EDIT: In "repeat 2" you will get loopindex = 0 and loopindex = 1. In "repeat 1" you will just get loopindex = 0.

    Cool, thanks

  • Though you could "repeat" 1 time ; everything happens only once. That defeats a bit the point of "repeating", but from a logic point of view that should just work

    I haave set of sub event's and wanted to trigger them once or more depending on random number. So repeat 1 will trigger those events once or will it repeat once and trigger them twice?

  • hi,

    is there any example to see what different effects can do ?


    Unfortunetely not.

  • Hi,

    Simple question: Can I repeat 0 times, and will it make sub-events being triggered once pert tick?


  • > I thought the issue was 3rd party reliance


    The only remotely practical way to write a set of cross-platform native exporters would be to rely on some kind of existing framework or library, which... relies on third parties. I struggle to see why this is an argument for native exporters.

    > 80% games are CPU bottlenecked and only 20% are GPU bottlenecked.


    This contradicts what I've seen, and I've done profiling for some of the largest C2 games like Airscape. As ever, I am absolutely keen for anyone with poorly performing .capx files to send them to me (preferably in minimal form like a bug report) so I can optimise anything that needs to be. I repeat this with every thread that ever crops up like this, so I've said it a lot, and I am either sent nothing, sent games which are incredibly inefficiently designed, or games which are GPU-bottlenecked. So even if what you say is true, I'd be very interested to see any examples of that, because I almost never see them myself.

    Would you be able to write a tutorial, or instructions on how to handle big projects events? That would save you time in the long run, and help others not to make bad events and then complain things are not working well.

  • When I run the same test in nw.js v12.0 it's perfect. Which is good, because that's my export target. I'm just becoming suspicious of google's dev program....

    I feel that someone responsible for this technology is irresponsible and wasting opportunities. Seriously, with all the tech we have these days, performance looks dramatic comparatively.

  • Just trying to figure out the best way to use HD art in C2, man... That is, retaining image quality, scaling well with camera zooming & multiple resolutions, not wasting memory / bloating project / losing performance, and unison between object types such as sprites, tiled BGs, 9-patches, tilemaps, and 3rd party image plugins.

    Everyone says something different or contradicts themselves. Now there's talk of mipmapping power of two textures on export? So there will be discrepancies between preview and final build image quality? Oy...

    I learned that long time ago, that construct is the only software i think, where you have to optimize before starting a project. But you could replace graphics later.

    In terms of scaling if you scale in two's, for example 1 to 0.64 or 1 to 0.62 or 1 to 0.48 or 1 to 0.50 or 1 to 1.12 etc images will look better then if you would scale to something like 0.65. On the side note, same goes for any form of movement, which also will display sprite better.

    I suggested you making game in smaller or small resolution, but with big assets, because it does make a difference in the performance after upscaling using high quality scaling, and you can use solely sprites. But it is true you would need to stick power of 2 textures, or at least large textures should be sized evenly, so 2,3 or 4 times bigger. Another reason was that it will restrict you from having too many objects on the screen. In reality having more then 100 objects on screen can start bringing performance dips, but also that will mean you have a lot of objects on the layout, so the loading will be longer.

    Continuing on resolution, if you can, rather use 960x540 (or half of that )instead of 720, as it is exactly proportional scale of hd and upscaled to full hd looks much better then 720.

    But in the end, a lot depends on the game you are making. What I was suggesting is certainly good for action games. If you are making adventure game, then you need to use diverse assets, thought in this case, due to nature of the game, it will not cause any issues.

    And remembered another trick to make assets look better, is to set default zoom to slightly bigger or smaller number. This will glue your assets a bit, achieving more of a painting or drawing look.

  • It's running smooth enough here with chrome. I used to get some pretty serious jank with firefox so I switched browsers. As far as I can tell the reason for the jank has to do with the rendering portion of the browser when a graphics card isn't supported well. Which is the case for my machine with all browsers.

    Here's a sinple js test I made a while ago to see how smooth motion can be in the browser:

    In chrome I get a slight variation in frametime but it's not terrible. Still it can be distracting to the eye.

    When you move mouse while test is playing, the dips happen a lot. What's odd, thought not related to this test, is that in NWjs when you move mouse, the fps gets smoother.