megatronx's Forum Posts

  • so you use pin to make an object follow yours but when it gets on some distance it changes it's physics on and off ?

    why not just leave physics on for it? or is the physics for player?

    if you can't do it any other way - check every 200ms, that's about 5x a second, seemed to work best for me in my game when i did rotation (360 frames, each 0.2sec instead of each tick for 1°) worked like a charm and saved a lot of processing

    Cool. That gives me a good idea of how to use it. Thanks.

    I ave loads of objects that change opacity depending on the distance as well as objects that change their physics depending on players virtual z position.

  • setting position by x and y coordinates with system expression seems a bit pricey to me. why not use just some movement behaviours to do it? (custom or bullet), i think they're more optimized for performance then setting x and y every z miliseconds.

    Heya, I do use pin if I want object to follow. Now, I really should have be more precised, because I am mostly turning physics on and off as well as set opacity, both depending on the distance from the player, every x ms, however I am not sure if that's necessary ( although my levels have floors, so I'm checking z position of the player based on other events, from which I turn on or of tiles physics).

  • It can, and does in instances where you have LOADS of objects updating position - particularly container objects (or shadow caster).

    It can also reduce the fluidity of motion though, and make it "feel" janky even though it's not janky. Also be aware that there is a minimum time for a tick to process (I think it's 0.16 seconds) so setting your timer to less than that means it's running the same as "every tick".


    Thanks. Yeah, I do notice a stutter, either way thought. I have set every x s between 79ms and 120ms originally. I did ask about position, but actually it was a general question, cause I use that to check distance between player and object and turn physics on and off as well as opacity. Maybe there is a better way. Or maybe some of it isn't even necessary?

  • Yo,

    Do you guys think it is worth it having different objects positions being updated every x milliseconds? Did it gave any of you better performance?

  • Great find!

  • Looks neat. What kind of meta you can store in the tiles? Can you add vars to them? cheers

  • Thanks guys.

    with this lerp(100,0, clamp((distance - distanceForFullOpacity) / (distanceForFullTransparency - distanceForFullOpacity), 0,1)) after filling it up it didn't work properly, untill I've switched places for the first two numbers ( so from 100,0 to 0,100) and it worked. Thanks!

  • Hi,

    I'm experimenting with opacity change depending on a distance, and would want to do it between couple of ranges, like 1000 an 1100, where at instance of 1000 would give 100 opacity and 1100 would give 0 opacity. So i tied using clamp, and tried some to other ideas, but don't know what would be the easiest solution for that. So if anyone would have a suggestion, I'd appreciate it.

  • Also, you can put your loops inside groups and enable/disable them when needed.

    Groups or Boo

  • >

    > 1. blox is nothing like node based mehods

    > 2. blox need much less code (in c2 you have to get x and y and set 2 variables but in blox you set them in one code)

    > 3. blox is like unity scripts so you must make them for each object so dosent matter how much big is your project you never need too much blox at the same sheet

    > 4. for non programmers c2 expressions is like programming but not in blox

    > 5. make a one small game with it then compare it with c2 its so much more then c2 becuase its unity + blox


    1. This is why I said node-based methods also suffer from orgranization problems.

    2. & 3. Ok, then I didn't express myself correctly, sorry. I was thinking about complicated, lengthy scripts. Serious projects tend to have some of those.

    4. So Blox simplifies that part of visual programming?

    5. Since I was talking about big projects, there's no need for making small games to compare the two regarding this conversation. However I'll probably do some tests in the future.

    +1. We should move to another topic or continue this elsewhere, since we're off topic here.

    I was always saying that some expressions need some sort of visual representation and gui to set them up, to make things easier. It is true that the amount of programming we got to do in a non-programmers software is staggering if you want to make something bit more complex. For example I was porting level generator from unity tutorial too c2, and it needed many more events, and in the end didn't work fully right ( cause it wasn't detecting the edges of arrays for some reason, so some parts of map would be going beyond them ). Anyway, making things simpler to use is always a good direction.

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  • Thanks guys!

  • Hi,

    A while back I saw a use of modulo where it was placed at the end of equation like this: % 4. where it was suppose to return some other number if random number would be bigger then 4. But I don't exactly get it, so if anyone could give me some tips on how to use it, that would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • I've been annoyed by this kind of jitter since day one of using construct. Would be really good to have option added to make it render movement smoother. And yes, it happens when moving diagonally.

    • Post link icon

    Guys just please take a bit of your time to read every page of this topic.

    Ashley did already say more than enough about C3 for the moment, we should be satisfied with that information for a while!

    > We are basically working full-time on C3 and it's been our focus for over a year now. It is certainly not going to be cancelled or anything like that. We are just not ready to share any information yet for a few reasons:

    > - C2 is still a great product and actively maintained, and we think it's best for users to keep focusing on C2 instead of sitting around waiting for C3 (especially since we still don't know when it will be ready)

    > - we don't want to say something and then end up delaying, modifying or ultimately removing any particular feature we talked about - right now everything is still subject to change

    > - public information about the state of C3 could affect our competitive edge, especially since we're doing some pretty interesting stuff

    > - we don't want to ruin the surprise!


    > Rest assured we are working daily to get C3 ready as soon as possible, and we will share more information when we're ready.


    Hail to this! I'm 101% certain C3 will be fantastic, and will address a lot of the suggestions we were giving for years. And I'm sure it will include a lot of user friendly solutions, such as adding options that will save us time doing mundane types of events.

  • This is really cool Thanks!