megatronx's Forum Posts

  • BTW, as far as I remember using loading instance from asjson, it wasn't given new uid, and was ending up with several object with same uid. Not sure if that has been fixed or not thought.

  • R0J0hound re Wolf ( and even doom ) style: I looked at your old rayast4 example. But I wander wouldn't be easier to just generate walls from sprites instead of havng points and lines, many variables and still only generate flat walls. With sprites it could be set to generate a wall for each side and top and bottom, and not only that, but now variable could be used to determine z axis position. So that would be the theory, you can make doom style 3d, however I'm not skilled enough at maths to do it. If you'd be able to help, that would be so super.

  • R0J0hound Hi, do you think you could make an example of how to make a Wallenstein type of game, but also with floor and celling, if that's even possible with this plugin? Thanks

  • > Also, when you test, you'd want to be able to edit them faster then trough pop up.


    I think I get it. It would be useful if you want to edit your variables in the event sheet inside a complex and possibly deeply nested code. In that case it could be helpful to see all the currently available variables in a separate place too and edit them on the fly.

    Exactly. And when you running out of ideas for variables names, it would be good to just glance and remind yourself what variable name was, where it is located etc. as well as quickly edit. I have proposed properties tab, since it would be best place to display them, as well as you just could have a tab there you'd select.

    Global object with variables is an option but it wouldn't include local variables.

    I want to clarify, not trying to knock on you I am legitamately curious as to what purpose/use you would have for such a feature. Over the years I have used many IDE's, on many projects, and worked with many people. I have never once seen or heard of someone taking advantage of a variable browser. That said, I know some people must use them, because there is a plugin for it on Notepad++. I just have never personally encountered a real use case for it.

    Something that I have used and enjoy is a function viewer which I wish Construct had. The search feature is not that great in construct, so being able to click on a function I have created and going to it with all my code listed (unlike Search which hides code) would be awesome.

    When you loads of variables, list is really important too keep track of them. Unity has it for example. And yes, search feature is not the best one either, but it's not badr.

  • Why do you need them listed if you either choose them from a drop-down list or have them auto-completed as you type expressions?

    They contain a lot of data, and its not easy to remember all of them. Many has similar names due to their function. I usually would use array, but I've learned that having variables with descriptive names is much easier to remember and speeds up workflow when creating sets of events, when doing maths for example using local variables, that are set in different events, and have random names like r or Num. Also, when you test, you'd want to be able to edit them faster then trough pop up.

    Btw, that's something I was thinking of mentioning, to have in the future variables editable together with their names and type within the even sheet and not in pop up.

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  • Why do you want to scroll back to where you keep them? You forgot their names?

    For me, if I have lots of global variables to be used and referred to, I will just use Snipping Tool to snapshot all those global variables, place the snapshot on the left side of the screen and place C2 on the right side.

    Yes, when you use 20 or 30 you might get confused. Snapshot would occupy too much space. I have laptop with 15" screen.

  • I think the auto-complete is fine for this. Beside, if you organize all those variables well, you should not have any trouble.

    Can you provide a use case that might show the benefit of your suggestion?

    Yes, when you are programming something with a lot of variables, creating lengthy events, it would be good to be able to quickly view and edit them, without the need to scroll back to where you keep them, and then scroll back down looking for the events you're working on. It's an unnecessary loop.

  • Hi,

    Just think it would be very helpful to have a tab in properties bar with all global as well as local variables. Local would appear depending on events you are editing. I know you are working hard on c3, but would that thing be poss to add to c2? Thanks

  • Hi,

    Working on level generator and I am looking for a way to pick furthest as well as nearest specific data in array from a selected point. Any clue how to get this done? thanks

  • Hi,

    I wander if it is possible for a variable to somehow store more then one number without parsing them trough tokens later. Basically I'd like to store values that are used later in Random expression as (n,n2) and then use them like this : random(variable). Is that possible?

  • Hi,

    I am trying to figure out a formula, and I need your help. I have an array that differes in dimensions, and a fixed size layout, with an object in the middle being a spawn. Inside array I randomly choosing position of Start cell. I'm trying to figure out a way to generate level from that array, but where the Start cell corresponds to that sprite object in the middle of the layout. Could you guys help me figuring out the formula? Cheers

  • not sure what you're asking?

    i've done some cm, push out solids and such in my game, didn't use tilemaps though.

    check here: ... index.html

    p.s. if you don't see menu - > there's a new game button floating on the left upper side, so just randomly click around until you get it, it seems some font is causing sometimes problems and people do not see it, also there's options under it / but defaults are wasd + 4 on numpad for shooting.

    everything is done with custom movement / pathfinding / pushing out solids and more...

    Ah, sorry. I have problem with weird pushing out. Will look at your example. thx

    Basically, I'm using 360 degrees movement, using controller, and when player collides with wall it is pushing it out at high speed either to the right or if approached from the left, pushing out up. I'm using custom movement, and push out plugin ( thought same issue was with pushing out custom movement action ). Not sure that to do with that.

  • Yo,

    + Controller. Did anyone ever got it right? If so, could you please share your experience?


  • Ashley, I can imagine there is planty of request, but stuff like lightening, sprite distortion, drawing masks on levels etc, are some of the most requested features, and would be incredibly useful and helpful to everyone.

  • Ashley Can you not add those extra features as only webgl features?