megatronx's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Having a bit of a problem with my event's and I'm not sure if picking instance of object A and picking Instance of Object B in same events condition works or not? So how many different instances of different objects I can pick in single condition?

    Also is this valuable as trigger, cause it doesn't seam to work for all Objects A, only for the one that got triggered:

    -Object A on trigger

    -- Object A Boo1 = 1, for each Object A, Object A Boo1 = 1, Pick Object B by Object A. Variable


  • QuaziGNRLnose Heya, Hows the progress on the plugin mate?

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    Are C2 Plugins still gonna work in C3 is something i'd be interested in as well...

    They should, at least the more recent ones, since it is going to be using same engine just different ide.

  • Make a nested x & y loop.

    Compare to the expression.

    TileAt(x, y)

    Return the tile ID at a position in the tilemap. Note the position is given in tiles, not layout co-ordinates. If the tile at the given position is empty (has been erased), the expression returns -1.

    Awesome, thanks

  • >

    > > some random thing i was occupied lately with <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> long way to finish it though <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    > >

    > > ... Dd6Z2tkUUE

    > >


    > Cool! is this using the Q3D plugin or is it sprites?


    Q3D but was an early test road was unaligned ... i have it almost ready got a pretty close clone of audiosurf as much as i could get

    since the c2 audio plugin doesnt have the most 2 important calls from the node audio api which is

    getFloatTimeDomainData (Float32Array array);

    getByteTimeDomainData (Uint8Array array);

    attribute unsigned long fftSize;

    readonly attribute unsigned long frequencyBinCount;

    attribute float minDecibels;

    attribute float maxDecibels;

    attribute float smoothingTimeConstant;

    so its like working with half a measure ... but yea Q3D


    Last news ... managed to work around the missing min max decibels and the bytetimedomaindata requirements.... the development continues <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    soon will get a demo working merging this road assembly with this smooth road procedural generation

    then its a matter of adding a importing mp3 and converting in ogg inside the game so any song can be played by users choice ......

    Very cool!

    What are those calls for?

  • Hello,

    Is it possible to loop for each specific tile from tileset, ie tile no9 etc? Thx

  • Yes it would be nice to have. Have a look in to expressions, as there are some, and then use one of compering actions. I personally just make my own counter: every tick - add dt to variable, variable > then x - set variable to 0.

  • Disabling groups can help improve performance, since all the events in the group must still test their conditions against (possibly many) instances to determine that nothing meets the condition. It can keep executing through to later conditions in the same event as well before it determines the event won't run. So disabling the event can save all that work from happening. Or, it might make no difference at all. As ever you should measure it to determine if it's worthwhile.

    Thanks for the answer. Could I ask you one more question re this. What would be best way of toggling groups with single chain events like this one: For each Door, boo = 1? I'd think toggling based on distance, but that again would require to check all Door objects.

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  • The main difference is how they are run: a function will call the "On function" event, run it to completion, and then return to the "call function" action and continue from there. In other words it calls other events from within an action.

    Activating a group just enables a bunch of events so that they can be read the next tick. It doesn't actually run anything at the point you say "activate group".

    Is it worth toggling groups to gain performance, or as I remember conditions that are not met just don't run?

  • Please reshare

  • Can't check it cause you saved it in latest beta. But basically, it is a opacity shader effect to be used instead of c2 opacity, right?

  • This one's cool too!

  • Really cool! Yeah, speed and depth params are definitely desirable! Then share please!

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    I actually have a suggestion for C3

    Ashley Imagine a maze with loads of doors and even more buttons opening those doors, spread throughout the whole maze. It becomes difficult to keep track of which object representing button is connected to which door. So I thought that it would be very neat to have a connector in C3 which would work like this: in editor you click on an object you'd like to connect while holding a shortcut key. A line is being created and you pull it with mouse to the object you want to connect it to. Now in events you have ability to create conditions using those connectors, for example For each button connected to doors, or for each doors connected to buttons, following by standards like doors variable = x: etc. would speed things up as well as make things in the editor easier to see.

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    i just going to use unity + blox and it seems like construct1000 !

    It looks cool, but it seam very complex in compare to construct.