MAVERICK's Forum Posts

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  • My character "Monster" disappears when he comes into collision with an enemy rather than playing the animation "damaged" that I have setup for him.

    What could the issue be?

    Under the event sheet "The Monster": line 28 is my code for it. ... .capx?dl=0

    All help is greatly appreciated.

  • Trying to create a "health icon" that changes frames upon damage taken.

    Any ideas?

  • I put a bad CAPX earlier.

    Here is an update: ... .capx?dl=0

  • I'm having a hard time understanding.

    I tried multiple times last night, but couldn't quite get a what I wanted.

    Is there anyway you could show me though the CAPX? ... ckup1?dl=0

    I don't mean to be a complete fool and having someone hold my hand through this entire thing, but I really just don't get this part.

  • Why dont you add a condition in attack, that plays the crouchattack animation only if the crouch is true, that should do it, instead of calling the regular attack animation. Right click on the event that calls for attack, and add the condition to check that the sprite is in the crouch animation, or whatever u have it named

    I'm looking for that condition and cannot find it. Can you be a little more specific with the directions?

    Sorry, kinda of a noob.

  • What determines which animation it uses?

    Well, if you are hold down the "S" key to crouch then you'll be in the "Crouch" animation. While being in the "Crouch" animation anytime you press the attack key you should "CrouchAttack" rather than "Attack".

    Is that what you are asking me?

  • I asked this before and received an answer, but I tried and couldn't get it to work on my end.

    What I am trying to accomplish is using the same button to attack for both the "Attack" animation and the "CrouchAttack" animation.

    1) "Attack" should be the animation to access when pressing the attack button while standing and jumping.

    2) "CrouchAttack" should be the animation played when pressing the attack button while in the "Crouch" animation.

    The controls are:

    WASD to move

    "," to attack

    Here is the CAPX. ... ckup1?dl=0

    Thanks for any help that you can offer me even if it doesn't solve the issue it may lead me on the path to solving it myself.

  • Hi LittleStain,

    I hope I am not bothering you, but I cannot get it to work.

    Did you try it yourself and get it to work?

  • I'm not getting this to work as I think you intended.

    I suppose I could be doing something wrong on my end, but I tried it more than once.

  • I'll try this when I get home tonight and let you know.

    Just for future reference I want to make sure I am reading what you are telling me correctly.

    "--" = Sub-event

    ">" = Action

    " " = Condition

    Is that correct?

    Once again, thanks a ton LittleStain!

  • Thanks LittleStain!

    I applied it how I believe you meant, but while it may have fixed some things it also came with a few errors.

    1) I can only "CrouchAttack" now even if I'm standing.

    2) It appears that both spawns of the "FistOfFire" are appearing. From both imagepoints of the regular "Attack" animation and the "CrouchAttack" animation.

    Any advice on that?

    Here is an updated CAPX: ... ckup1?dl=0

    Again thank you so much for helping me!

  • I have gotten thus far, but how can I get my sprite "Monster" to play the "CrouchAttack" animation?

    Another question, how can I get the "FistOfFire" sprite to face left when attacking to the left?

    Move with "WASD"

    Attack with ","

    Here is the CAPX.: ... ckup1?dl=0

    Any help is appreciated.

    • Post link icon

    When you say export to Pi what do you mean?

    Any news on how soon Construct 3 will be available?

    Maybe which quarter of the year?

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  • Thanks Kyatric