MAVERICK's Forum Posts

  • I just got this program about a month ago. I don't have a lot of time to work on this on my own. So it's hard for me to find the answers to certain things. I continue to ask in the forums, but only get minimal success. I figure I can learn faster this way.

    I will pay someone to make a small game (1 level) with everything I want and then send me the .capx file.

    Once you get half way through and I see that you have done a good job of making what I want (after I explain it to you) I will pay you so that you can finish knowing that you were paid. Please keep it neat and organized as well. If it is done well I may continue to ask you for more lessons.

    I look forward to hearing from you

  • I've read this thread and looked at the examples for quite some time:

    I'm just not satisfied with the first example. You have to press jump once and then once you get to the edge of a platform it automatically makes you jump.

    The 2nd example is much different than my game. My character's sprite images...well his feet are not a separate image from his body. So my game is able to work with either one of these.

    So I am still stuck at waiting until the platform reaches the very bottom or the very top until I can successfully jump off of it. Does anyone know of a different way?

    Thanks in advance

  • Thanks for your all your help. I really appreciate it, but he seems to still have the same problem. Did you not have it when you used this?

  • I just discovered something. If I hold both left and jump while pressing attack then and only then will it not work.

  • Yes thank you! You have solved my issue...however I did notice something wrong with it. When the character is jumping left he cannot attack. He can attack every way walking and falling. When he jumps to the right he can attack just fine, but when he jumps to the left he cannot attack.

  • Zsangerous, I'm attempting to upload to dropbox now and will soon post it on here. Sorry to frustrate you. Just know that I appreciate everyone's help.

    Let me tell you what I have for now since Dropbox seems to be giving me trouble.


    Keyboard > Space is down > Player > Set animation to "Attack" (Play from beginning)

    {Sub Event}

    Player > On animation "Attack" finished > Player > Set animation to "Idle" (Play from beginning)

    Obviously this is not working: So any tips on how to correct this would be greatly appreciated and I will upload a capz as soon as I can get it to work.

  • I was looking through some of the beginner tutorials and couldn't find the answer. The second link you posted, I am making my game based off of that tutorial.

    Plus what you just told me does not correct it. It just goes as far as I've already gotten with it. I need my character to get back into the "Idle" animation after the "attack" animation has run it's loop instead of remaining in the last frame of the "attack" animation.

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  • First of all:

    Sorry if I'm posting too much, but I keep getting stuck and cannot find answers by searching.

    Now for my question. How do I go about making enemies with physics after I jump on or attack them. Like they would just roll or fall to the ground with the physics feature and then I would have them fade instead of the current "destroy" where they just disappear.

  • I added an "attack" animation, but I cannot figure out how to get the character back to the "idle" animation after the "attack" animation has run it's loop.

  • I'm thankful for your help, but I don't quite understand how I would put that in. Can you tell me in simpler terms.

    Example: "Player > On Collision With > Platform"

    I do appreciate it, but I just need broken down a bit more. I'm still very new to this.

  • Trying to make a flying enemy. I cannot figure out how to though. I have on the Global attack range so when I get close he'll attack me, but not happening. Also How can I get him to go up and down as a platform enemy would go left and right while patrolling?

  • Yeah, I actually found this after posting this question and I downloaded the example as well. However you cannot jump while being on the platform. You can only jump when you are at the very end of it...which I find quite strange. Not what I wanted. I want to be able to jump whenever I please on any platform.

  • Thanks aridale, I'll keep that in mind.

  • Thanks naelin!

    I used the first example and it worked perfectly!

    Thanks again.