mammoth's Forum Posts

  • I guess there's no tutorial yet. I tried using UIWebView to run the cordova export but it didn't work. Im guessing there are more steps to take.


    Do you think it is possible to simply export a "website" to wrap in UIWebView. I think if we had the option ourselves to deploy our games into Xcode people who are familiar with Xcode could really use it to their advantage.

  • I tried disabling that feature in the Index file.

    I think a "run offline" button in the export window might work. Does anybody know how to make a C2 file run offline.

  • I simply want to display my game within the UIWebView in Xcode.

    I can run other HTML 5 games but when I export the game with C2 it gives me an error message saying that I have to upload it in order for it to work.

    Is there any way to disable this. I feel that this could be an easy way to get your game submitted through Xcode. You could have a free game and put in admob and IAP.

  • It still didn't work.

    I should mention that I have been working on this file for a while. Could something have been messed up?

    Also the file is only 11 mb big.

  • This is the only warning in the console.

    Fullscreen request failed: Event

    bubbles: true

    cancelBubble: false

    cancelable: false

    clipboardData: undefined

    currentTarget: null

    defaultPrevented: false

    eventPhase: 0

    path: Node


    returnValue: true

    srcElement: div#

    c2canvasdivtarget: div#


    divtimeStamp: 1415107265911

    type: "webkitfullscreenerror"__proto__: Event

  • Has anybody else had this problem?

  • I tried exporting an HTML 5 website and it came up with just a black screen. The same result came up when I exported and tested it on Ejecta as well.

    Im using the latest beta r 186.

    It has been working up until this point.

  • Have all of the cocoon JS features been compiled into the monetization section?

    Or was Cocoon JS just removed all together?

  • Whenever you export to CocoonJS and the screen doesn't fit, you get this big white bar. Is there a way to put the center of the layout in C2 to the center of the device?

    This way you can just put a tiled background around your layout and it would look better than a big white bar on one side.

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  • So I have been doing some development outside of Construct 2 and decided to come back. One thing that I do a lot is set up a variable within the scope of a function. I know I can just set up a global variable and work around this but I feel it would be easier to just set up local variables within functions. I think enough programmers do this to think about adding it to the to do list.

  • I have been Exporting to Cocoon JS. I recently got accepted to the premium program and I have to say it is awesome.

    What resolutions and what Cocoon JS scaling modes do you use?

  • This is one of the only features in Game Salad that I miss. I used to use it all of the time in the games there. Now I know you can use expressions to get the same effect but it would be fantastic to have this as a system expression.

    Interpolate a value between another value over a period of time.

  • I guess we will have to wait for better support.

  • I think one of the best features I could ask for in C2 is the possibility of simply copying what I have in illustrator and pasting into C2. For those who do not know, when you copy something in illustrator, it copies the SVG code as well. This art pipeline would save a ton of time. More importantly you could have a resolution independent game.

    You could also re size at your leisure in C2.