mammoth's Forum Posts

  • Since I produced that course 2 years ago I had to figure out why I chose to use the paid version. It was the lack of families and subfolders in the free version.

    While it's totally possible to make games without families or subfolders and less than 100 events there are games that require more events and families. It also depends on what other limitations there are.

    I totally get the merits of condensing and optimizing code, who wouldn't want to do that? Sometimes optimization can go too far and become less readable. So there is a balance. But creativity can only go so far and optimization can only go so far. Eventually you have an awesome idea that just can't be done in the free version.

    Game salad moved to a 15 day free trial and stencyl AFAIK has a completely free version to download. Adobe does something similar with a 7 day free trial. ... 30-2015/p1

    "The biggest news, by far, is that we're moving to a free trial business model for GameSalad Creator. This means there's no more free version of GameSalad Creator. All existing free users will get 15 days to try GameSalad Creator before having to make their purchase decision.

    During the free trial period, all of the features of GameSalad Creator are available: networking, platform publishing, ads, etc. After the free trial period, users must purchase to continue using GameSalad Creator.

    This is necessary because too many people are using the tools for free and we're not meeting our revenue goals."

    It's not that I am lazy, incompetent or not creative, I just like using the full toolset. Giving people a taste of that tool set in a free trial will have people coming back for more.

  • I just found this post from 2011.

    The thing is that you can make simple games with 100 events or less. Even if your code is really efficient, you are going to have that one great idea that you want to teach people that will go over the limit. It might not happen often but it can happen.

  • Are sub event lines not considered an event line for the limit?

  • Again, for examples limiting your events is great. However, if you want to build complete games, you have to go over the limit. The game demos are over 250 events.

    Imagine if Unity3D had a character limit. People just wouldn't use it.

  • Yeah, there are a few games you can make with less than 250 events.

    But there are also a lot of games that take more.

  • But having a trial software that students would have to buy either way after the course and the trial period ended will really boost your numbers?

    It absolutely will boost sales.

    I would be alright with giving my students a limited free trial and at the end I could get an affiliate commission. It would be easier to just give a limited fully featured trial with no export.

  • elliot

    It's always hard to sell a master class or course if the software is paid. Right now I am at a cross roads. I really want to make C3 tutorials and use that engine exclusively for 2D. However, because Unity will allow students to freely download their software, it makes more business sense to use that as students don't have to pay.

    Again, from a business point of view, the free trial means that I and other people can evangelize the product and ultimately lead to more sales for Scirra. I constantly say that "C2 is my favorite engine" and "I am blown away at how awesome C2 is".

    Ultimately, this is a win win win situation.

  • If you're profiting from using C2 and potentially C3, surely you're happy to pay the subscription fee?

    It's affordable and you're already making money through selling workshops.

    I am totally happy to pay the subscription fee. It's the students that I am concerned about. If I do a master class and the students want to follow along, they should be able to do it for free and not be subscribers.

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  • > When they want to export they have to pay.


    That's similar to the music-production software I use. You can open it up, create a song, play it back and everything, but if you close the program, you can't reopen your song. So if you want to save it to mp3 or edit it later, you're gonna have to buy the software. I did.

    Yeah, the idea is not new. I would probably have people be able to save their projects, just not export.

    Basically, I would be evangelizing the product, but without this free trial, it's difficult.

  • The biggest problem with the limitation is that you can't make full games with them. Giving users the chance to make their creation come to life for free would get them hooked. When they want to export they have to pay.

  • Hi there,

    I love C2 so much that I wrote a book about it and produced a video course about it. ... 1849698066 ... 4/overview

    One of my major pain points about C2 is the free trial being only limited to 250 events. It would make my life easier if C3 had a limited time free trial. This free trial can be 7 days to 30 days.

    The only thing that I ask is that the free trial has no event limited. I think the best free trial would be to limit exporting.

    I really want to use C3 in master classes and webinars, but the paid barrier is a problem. Tom Ashley, think of this as lead generation, with the 30 day free trail, you will get some conversions and I am actively promoting your product.

    Just a thought.

  • I'm pretty sure C3 is going to be the best thing since the discovery of fire.

  • Hi there,

    When I am loading a game only on mobile, the game crashes. It does have something to do with the sound as when the sound is removed, the game does not crash.

    Has anybody experienced this? The game file is pretty big, that could be a factor.

  • Hi there,

    Do ogg files not play in iOS? Is this a bug or is it by design?

  • The game is almost finished and I don't want to post a CPAX.

    It happens when I run the game online on a mobile device.