Magistross's Forum Posts

  • Funny, I was just thinking of creating a new dialog template that mimics the one found in SCUMM's games. However, it's quite the task, not sure when I'll find the time to do that.

    One thing is certain, storing scripts externally is a must. And you should dedicate some efforts to create a proper script editing and testing tool, for obvious reason.

  • The expression int(List1.SelectedText & List2.SelectedText & List3.SelectedText & List4.SelectedText) should work.

  • Here's one way to do it without lerping. ... ction.capx

    Families could have come in handy, but since you don't seem to have a license, I went without.

  • It's most likely an oversight, but you can test if either one of the points of the bounding box of spritefont1 is in the spritefont2's bounding box and vice versa.

    Like this : ... erlap.capx

  • You can, but the curve won't be sinusoidal.

    Here, you can use google to plot both equations.

  • abs(object.sine.value) is definitely not the same. You alter the sin wave in a most likely unwanted way.

    What could work too is using (object.sine.value + object.sine.magnitude) to return a value between 0 and 2*magnitude.

  • Nice doc! It indeeds can be handy to writers and scripters so they don't have to rummage through the capx!

  • His situation is a different scenario than regular pathfinding. There are no obstacle, and the only limiting factor is the distance between nodes.

    There are currently no official plugins in C2 that would enable him to do this, so I guess he needs to fallback to an event-based solution, or maybe a custom plugin...

    Basically, you need to gradually and recursively search available nodes (that are within reach) and try to follow the shortest path.

  • If I set text alignment to the right, can I make the scrolling of the text also to change it's direction? It "grows" in a weird way.

    Unfortunately, that's how it works. Left align -> Text grows to the right, Right align -> Text grows to the left.

    If you used a strictly monospaced font, maybe you could make it so the text becomes less and less appended with whitespaces so it looks like it grows to the right while still being right-aligned.

    "H          "
    "He         "
    "Hel        "
    "Hell       "
    "Hello      "
    "Hello s    "
    "Hello si   "
    "Hello sir  "
    "Hello sir !"[/code:1f9ozaof]
    However that would require a rewrite of how the text is processed.
  • The size of the spritefont is set on event 12.

    Here's the formula for the height : DIALOGUE_HEIGHT - DIALOGUE_MARGIN * 2 + DIALOGUE_LINEHEIGHT

    If your spritefont's lineheight property doesn't fit 2 times in that, only one line will ever show. You could either tweak the variable values, or the change the formula so it uses a new variable with a value distinct from the DIALOGUE_MARGIN.

  • Hi Smileh, this shouldn't be too hard.

    You can easily center the text of every line by adjusting the horizontal aligment of the SpriteFont object to center and be done with it.

    But if you want it to adapt according to which side is the portrait, simply add a "Set horizontal alignment to right" on event 16 (under the "Set Mirrored" action). I would also make sure the spritefont revert to the default left aligment by adding a "Set horizontal alignment to left" on event 12.

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  • In the installation folder, you'll find the "plugins" runtime and edittime js files under "exporters\html5\plugins\".

  • I might be inclined to test this out, so feel free to PM me a beta key.

  • round(sqrt(2) * 100)/100[/code:3tue298y]
    This should give you the expected result.
  • It might something as simple as you running a blank layout. The "play icon" will run the current layout, so make sure you don't have a blank layout active.