Magistross's Forum Posts

  • Or create a function to change specifically this one variable (like a mutator).

    On Function "SetVar1"

    ---->>Set Var1 = Function.Param(0)

    ---->>Set Textbox text to Var1

  • I'd say it's far easier to have the inventory menu in a layer instead of a separate layout, only because you don't have to worry about saving the current game state to load it back when you close the inventory.

  • Well, if it's limited to a predefined list of skin tones, I don't see why you wouldn't put them all in different animation frame / name, with no effect whatsoever.

  • The canvas snapshot is returned as a data URI, simply post this data to a server page with a script to save this data URI to an image file on the server. Obviously you need some kind of server-side scripting setup, be it PHP or ASP.

  • You can "write" your own expression using a function.

    And then, you use it like this :

    Compare Two Values

    1st value : Function.Call("IsValuePresent", searchedValue, value1, value2, ...)


    2nd value : 1

  • You could use a container which would group your "monster" object with a Dictionary object (say "monsterDictionary"). So each instance of "monster" would have its own dictionary.

  • Hi Evdog! I think I understood what you wanted. Try one of these files with the templates, and tell me what you think. ... Evdog.json ... yEvdog.csv

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  • It certainly could be useful, however, the file data format is probably not the first issue to worry about... unless you went for XML. XML might be the more logical choice actually... given its versatility.

  • Is this really necessary? You can effectively force another jump just by setting the vector Y to a negative value, so you can keep hopping away as much as you like...

    ut then that's another "jump" logic that you have to create.

    Makes me wonder, perhaps a "force jump (even when not on platform)" action would be more versatile ?

  • Yes, it's a simple addition to the Platform behavior. An action to set the "doubleJumped" boolean manually. Modifying an official behavior is pointless, and creating a new one with additional functionalities isn't much better. Your best bet is hoping for Ashley to take notice of this thread and apply the modification "officially".

    Meanwhile, you could encapsulate your "Reset double jump" routine in a function, and use this function inside your code. It will make refactoring easier when (if?) the time comes.

  • Maybe if Ashley notices, he'll find the time to add this to his ever-growing to-do list.

  • It's too bad the platform behavior did not include an action to do that. I've checked out the runtime file for the behavior and it's a simple boolean that say if a particular instance has double jumped or not.

    You could use the Browser object to inject some javascript that would allow you to manually change that variable of your player instance. Here's the code :

    var behavior_insts = this.runtime.objectsByUid['" & Player.UID & "'].behavior_insts
    for(var i = 0; i < behavior_insts.length;i++){
        var inst = behavior_insts[i];
        if(inst instanceof cr.behaviors.Platform.prototype.Instance){
            inst.doubleJumped = false;
    This won't work once minified though.
  • dist*dt would make the player move at the maximum speed of 5 pixels per second, which is quite slow to say the least. That's why multiplying by 60 beforehand is necessary so everyone playing would have the player move at 300 pixels per second. (Roughly equivalent to not using dt and moving by 5 pixels per tick at 60fps)

  • dt is a measure of time in second per frame.

    In your scenario, dist is a measure of speed in pixels per frame. At 60fps, you'd get a movement of dist * 60 pixels per second. If that's the speed you aim for everyone to get, whatever their framerate, then you should simply use :

    Move dist * 60 * dt[/code:9tji4yqr]
  • Draconiz717 This could probably come in handy. You can add even more abbreviations to your leisure. ... mbers.capx