lucid's Forum Posts

  • Just a quick progress update for everyone. Been in contact with Ashley about getting some stuff into the plugin sdk. It won't be ready for a short while, as I had a couple of additional requests, but in the next build z-order will be using officially supported sdk methods, which should be more efficient, and will also make it so z-order actions won't break between builds.

    And more importantly, we will have automatic reimporting! It's almost completely working, but I had a couple of additional sdk requests I'm hoping he'll be able to fulfill. If all goes well, reimporting will just be a matter of dropping in a zip file with the same name as the originally imported Spriter project. It will handle everything automatically, keeping your current events intact. The only manual step will be to delete the extra On Initialized event. Ashley informed me the data structure for events is too complex to expose through the sdk, and even if that weren't the case, it would be tricky to automatically remove since I've seen many projects that tweak or add onto the automatically generated events.

  • thanks for the code suggestion, I will look into adding it into the next release. If you can send me a simple example of slow running project in c3 (including whatever blending is needed for the problem to arise), I can try running it through the profiler and seeing where the issue is.

  • - between this and the Construct 2 version, it's been or is being used used in multiple production games. Please report any bugs to this thread.

    gtea - Not sure how that happened, but I did need to reinstall Windows recently - I must have pulled the wrong build somehow when I restored.

    In any case, please test with this latest version, and see if things are working for you. I made a basic project that successfully loaded an animated character , so if that doesn't work for you, please send over the project and let me know what Construct 3 version you're using.


    • Fixed mistakenly reverted changes
  • does this happen just by using the plugin at all? or is there a specific action that causes it?

  • 9-8-2020

    • fixed a bug where restarting a layout could sometimes stop with an error sometimes when fetching the pre-loaded animations
    • fixed a bug where 'ignore layout time scale' wasn't having any effect
  • forum is bugging for my second image, so I had to make a new reply.

    So for example, with the project you sent, it would look like this:

  • hello baks and

    Thanks for your patience, and thanks for the example projects. That always makes things infinitely easier to debug.

    Hey, I'm having issues with the conversion of a Construct 2 project to Construct 3, the animations don't work and any action using the Spriter plugin neither.

    I sent an example of the Capx and the c3p to the mike email

    Thanks so much for the help

    I'm not sure why this works in C2, but this is actually a simple fix. You have a space before each name, so instead of trying to play animation "Lied" for instance, it's trying to play animation " Lied".

    You just have to change it from:

    "Idle\n Lied\n Kick..."



    and it should work fine from there.

    Hi lucid,

    It seems that the current addon doesn't support secondary animations. Current addon setup:

    1. Draw Self = True
    2. c3runtime

    Seems you're correct. I think you might be the first person who tried to use sub-entities with self-draw mode.


    • Added support for self-drawing sub-entities

    Eventually, it'd be nice to update the importer to do this automatically, but I'm afraid I don't have time to do it at the moment. Updating the importer code is a bit complex. In any case, to make sub-entities work you have to take a couple of manual steps.

    First import the same file again. C3 has a weird bug where if you just right click the object type and clone it, it doesn't let you access the properties. Name your second copy something that makes sense (like the name of that sub-entity).

    Then just add an event like this (I labeled the parts to make it easier to decipher):

  • No worries. Just wanted to confirm. Thanks

  • Ashley - Are there any plans to add z-order functions to the plugin sdk?

    I think I found a workaround, but I would rather wait if there are plans so I don't have to deprecate the new conditions and expressions shortly after writing them.

  • luckyrawatlucky - I will keep troubleshooting the actual issue, but I found a workaround. If you have at least one other object in the layout (like a tiny invisible sprite), the z-order fixes. I will keep looking for the actual cause, though unfortunately, the code to make z-order happen is a really hacky workaround since the c3 sdk has no way to access z-order through script.

    I'm going to ask Ashley again if there are plans to add this soon. I think I figured out a method to manually force the z-order through events if he says no or doesn't respond. I just wanted to avoid adding additional conditions and code that will have to be deprecated soon after.

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  • Thanks. Me too!

  • This release should fix the issue. It involved using a blendmode that was undocumented (found it through the debugger), which is why this wasn't fixed in the past when similar weird blending bugs were brought up. In any case, let me know if this works:


    • Fixed a bug where opacity wasn't applied correctly to parts in self draw mode

    luckyrawatlucky sorry for the late reply. Is there any way you can send me a simple project that reproduces the problem? I have a project I use for testing z-order, and it seems to be working for me. Is this only for projects that were imported from C2?

  • I'm not sure what you're after regarding Z order. Construct has various features to control Z order, such as send to front/back, order relative to another object, and sorting Z order by things like instance variables. Which would be relevant to your addon?

    AFAIK the Addon SDK docs are up-to-date so if they don't cover something it would need to be added.

    Ashley, ordering relative to another object via code would be perfect actually. Especially if I can process multiple objects in a row. For instance, I can take object1, place it above object0, and then take object2 and place it above object1 (above the new z order that was just assigned to object1). Being able to do this with several objects within a single tick without having to wait for a z-order update would be great. (and without a significant performance hit from forcing multiple full z-order updates in one tick)

  • Ashley or anyone else who might know

    Hello. I know this wasn't possible a while back (without ugly and unreliable hacks) and I still can't find anything in the documentation about it, but it wouldn't be the first time I missed something while searching the docs. Is it possible to set an object's place in z-order at runtime through plugin code?

    While I'm here, is it possible yet with the Custom Import part of the SDK to do something like iProject.GetObjectType(objectName) to return an IObjectType by that name if it already exists? (so one could create a plugin that reimports things and adjusts for changes instead of creating a new instance every time)?


  • Oh. I see luckyrawatlucky - Thanks for the example project. The pin action for Spriter 2 directly pins to the object's location automatically (instead of the relative location). This is most useful for action points, where you can set and animate an exact position you'll want the c3 object to be from within Spriter.

    I might add an option to do it with relative position in the future. The pin and set options are still needed, as a lot (maybe most) projects use the 'draw self' mode, where c3 would have no way of pinning to the virtual 'objects' within the Spriter animation.