Is it possible to set z-order via the plugin sdk yet? (and an SDK custom import question)

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  • Ashley or anyone else who might know

    Hello. I know this wasn't possible a while back (without ugly and unreliable hacks) and I still can't find anything in the documentation about it, but it wouldn't be the first time I missed something while searching the docs. Is it possible to set an object's place in z-order at runtime through plugin code?

    While I'm here, is it possible yet with the Custom Import part of the SDK to do something like iProject.GetObjectType(objectName) to return an IObjectType by that name if it already exists? (so one could create a plugin that reimports things and adjusts for changes instead of creating a new instance every time)?


  • I'm not sure what you're after regarding Z order. Construct has various features to control Z order, such as send to front/back, order relative to another object, and sorting Z order by things like instance variables. Which would be relevant to your addon?

    AFAIK the Addon SDK docs are up-to-date so if they don't cover something it would need to be added.

  • I'm not sure what you're after regarding Z order. Construct has various features to control Z order, such as send to front/back, order relative to another object, and sorting Z order by things like instance variables. Which would be relevant to your addon?

    AFAIK the Addon SDK docs are up-to-date so if they don't cover something it would need to be added.

    Ashley, ordering relative to another object via code would be perfect actually. Especially if I can process multiple objects in a row. For instance, I can take object1, place it above object0, and then take object2 and place it above object1 (above the new z order that was just assigned to object1). Being able to do this with several objects within a single tick without having to wait for a z-order update would be great. (and without a significant performance hit from forcing multiple full z-order updates in one tick)

  • Ashley - Are there any plans to add z-order functions to the plugin sdk?

    I think I found a workaround, but I would rather wait if there are plans so I don't have to deprecate the new conditions and expressions shortly after writing them.

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  • We're always busy with tons of things to do - I'm afraid while I'd love to do all this we just don't always have time, so I'd proceed on the assumption this won't be available for the time being.

  • No worries. Just wanted to confirm. Thanks

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