lucid's Forum Posts

  • XpMonster


    Thanks for your patience, everyone.

    ibiz - thanks for taking the time to send the thorough example file. That made it much quicker to find and fix the issue.

    This plugin is in beta, so use with caution. There were a lot of small refactoring changes made, so it's possible there was a breaking change I didn't catch somewhere.


    • Fixed multiple bugs that were causing unnecessary cpu usage for paused animations
    • Slight refactoring to allow for quicker performance troubleshooting in future builds
    • Fixed a bug where restarting a layout with an scml plugin could cause the layout to freeze
    • Fixed a bug where alpha values weren't applied to sprites

    luckyrawatlucky - I'm not sure what you mean. The pin C3 object doesn't have the option to use a C3 sprite image point. Do you mean pin to a Spriter action point? If so, please link a minimal project that reproduces the issue, and I will do my best to fix it ASAP.

  • Hi again, everyone. Some fixes on the way by Monday.

  • New version

    • Fixed a bug where the Construct would remove hyphens from object names, which led to the plugin crashing when it looked for the original hyphenated names

    Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I'm going to be working on outstanding bugs again over the coming weeks. Expect a couple more updates while I work through them.

  • New version

    • Fixed a bug where the Construct would remove hyphens from object names, which led to the plugin crashing when it looked for the original hyphenated names

    Sorry for any outstanding bugs. If anyone is still having issues, please reply to this thread again and I will take a look.

  • Hey everyone. Sorry, we're a bit behind. We've been tied up with the development of Spriter 2 and Alchemist, as well as our new Kickstarter campaign. We'd love for you to check it out (and we have a thread about it here).

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    We'll be able to get back to fixing the outstanding issues after this campaign, and we do plan for Construct 3 support for Spriter 2 and Alchemist. We have a completely new API and development plan that should allow us to develop these plugins more efficiently.

  • Hello everyone! Here's what's had us so busy for a while now.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Link to our Kickstarter

    We're excited about all the creative possibilities and power this will open up for Construct 3 users. Please consider sharing and backing.

    (I hope it was okay to post this here. I thought it was relevant, because of future Construct 3 support.)

  • Sorry everyone, I'm tied up preparing for a Spriter 2 update announcement, but I'll get back to any outstanding construct issues as soon as that's done.

    If anyone is curious, btw, and hasn't seen our latest posts on social media:

    We're wrapping up the framework that will not only allow for powerful expansions to the core version of Spriter 2, but over the coming weeks, we'll be showing off some gifs for a future add-on to Spriter 2 also made possible by these investments.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • lucid

    i have created animation in spriter and imported to c3.

    Now all those images used in spriter I also have another use of all those images in c3 on same project for different purpose. Do i need to import them separately in c3 or is there any way so i can use spriter's images in c3 for different purpose.

    Note: for another use of those images i don't want those images to be positioned as in spriter. each of them will be positioned manually.

    is there any way of doing this? total 100+ images

    The only way to do that would be to remove all the images from the container and destroy the scml object. The scml object should still function normally as far as I can tell, but you lose all the convenience of the container.

    Hi lucid,

    Thanks for the update! Sadly, the objects with an effect are now visible, but reduced to little squares.

    Once again, removing the effect from the (SCML) family solves the issue.

    I think you may have forgotten a step within Spriter. You have to let Spriter precalculate the bounding boxes for each animation for Construct. Luckily, it's pretty simple:

    If that isn't your issue, please send me a minimal project that reproduces the issue.

  • luckyrawatlucky - oh, ok. That's actually not a bug, but I will see if I can think of better wording for a future version. Basically, the Set Object Scale Ratio sets the scale AND whether the object is flipped. So when it says 'don't flip x axis', that means, set the object x axis to 'unflipped'. I can't do it right now, but I can definitely add something in a future version that will let you choose a third option for 'keep flipping the same'.

    In the meantime, there are conditions to check(and actions to set) if an object is mirrored(x axis) or flipped(y axis), so it would take two events instead of one, but you could do

    is mirrored

    • -set ratio with x flipped


    • -set ratio with x not flipped
  • luckyrawatlucky

    in Spriter software if you add predefined easing tween in (easing curve editor) then it will be so good. When i do animations in spriter. easing were always my problem.

    That type of thing will work better in Spriter 2. In the meantime, I think the best workaround is to copy the easing curve you want and then select all the other keys and paste the easing curve.

    getting C3 crash when i drag Spriter plugin object to timeline for animation.

    Unfortunately, I can't look into this right now. I haven't worked with the timeline api at all yet.

    zelevation not showing in the property bar > common

    Once the api documentation has been updated to show how to add z-elevation to common aces, this will be an easy fix.

    getting 1 more issue

    I did 6 copies of Spriter animation in the layout and on start of the layout i picked few random animations and flipped to x axis. then later on specific conditions i changed scale ratio of Spriter object. but it also affecting "flip x axis". If i choose "don't flip x axis" then it sets all animations to its normal state (which is not flipped) which i did flip at startup.

    I would need to see a basic capx where I could reproduce the problem easily. I can't get it to happen over here.


    Any news from the bug which make all SCML object with an effect on them become invisible?

    Do you plan to fix it anytime soon?



    • Fixed a bug where self-drawing instances with effects applied would not render at all.
  • luckyrawatlucky - excellent. Glad it's working now. Pin is permanent, and Set should be only for the current tick. I fixed the strings saying 'C2' for the next version.

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  • Hi again luckyrawatlucky - I tried at start of layout just to make sure that there wasn't an on start bug I didn't know about, and it still works. The main thing to might be going on is that for the Spriter Object you have to make sure it's exactly the name of the Spriter object from the Spriter project (case-sensitive), and not the name that it gets after it's imported into C3. For instance, I have a project here and one of the C3 sprite objects got named "Person_entity_000_Front_shoulder", but if I wanted to pin to it I would just use "Front_shoulder". If it still doesn't work, please try with an empty project, and lemme know if that works.

  • > lucid I have installed the latest version of spriter plugin but in the Construct 3 addon manager always showing its version 2019.21.02 to me.

    still version showing 2019.21.02.

    Oh oops. Just realized it's getting that version number for somewhere else. I know where it is for next version. In any case. Does that mean the pinning to c2 object is working now?

  • luckyrawatlucky

    hi lucid

    have you looked into this ?

    > 3) "Pin C2 Object to Spriter Object" & "Set C2 Object to Spriter Object" not working.

    They're working for me. I remember fixing something like this recently, but I remember pinging the person who mentioned it. I think you and one other person may have reported it at the same time, and I got mixed up. In any case, please let me know if it's not working for you still, and send me a cap. I just tried with a new cap and both actions worked as expected.

  • 9-16-2019

    • Fixed a playback bug with quintic easing curves