Spriter C3 Addon (8-16-2021 Bug fixes)

From the Asset Store
Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • Number of bones does matter, but the biggest potential performance hit is the risk of using needlessly large images in the Spriter file. If you import your character or other spriter made object and you have to reduce it via an action to a smaller scale then I highly recommend you use Spriter Pros's "create scaled clone of entire project" feature to make the actual Spriter project and it's images the actual size you need. Also, if you don't want or need to add special blending effects to individual body parts, then importing and setting the Spriter object to use the draw-self mode also helps performance.

    Aside from that, the best advice for any game development in general, regardless of the authoring system or plug-ins you're using, is to test and bench-mark very often, on the actual weakest target device/platform, especially just after adding any big new object, feature etc, and after adding and using any new plug-in. By 'bench-mark' I mean, once you're adding Spriter objects, add an FPS counter on screen and make temporary events that create another Spriter object instance on screen and see how many you can get on screen before the frame rate drops too low.

    Thanks for the quick fixes. I love spriter very much and believe that spriter 2 will be even better. I understand that you have a small team, but I want to ask you to release a short article on how to properly configure animation in the spriter. I would like to learn more about how it all works. For example, what to avoid when creating animations for mobile devices in order to save CPU and GPU on mobile devices. (Does the number of bones affect performance) Ashley once did this very well with the construct 3 example construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/tips-and-guides/performance-tips.

    lucid If it's not difficult for you, make this tutorial for Spriter, it will help you avoid making errors that affect performance when creating animations.

  • could you give me an example of how to use collision boxes inserted in the animation using "spriter pro" and later importing into "construct3"?

  • I am getting an issue. I have a Spriter animation in Construct 2. when i open this capx in construct 3. images are showing in wrong z order. In Construct 3 when i switch to c2 runtime its working fine but in c3 runtime its weird. (see image below)

  • Hi lucid, there is an alpha issue with the Spriter addon that doesn't show semi-transparent objects.

    Here is my bug report:

    I have made a very minimal project where you can see the issue: cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684104748848513151/721438405891850260/Bug_Package.zip

    It contains the Bug folder with the Spriter project, Bug Draw with the spritesheet project and the Spriter.c3p that loads the scml in Construct 3 (c3runtime) [Draw Self] mode.

    It is a very minimal fade project of a white rectangular image, so you can break it down easily. If you run the preview in Construct 3, it doesn't fade.


    Thank you very much!

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  • This release should fix the issue. It involved using a blendmode that was undocumented (found it through the debugger), which is why this wasn't fixed in the past when similar weird blending bugs were brought up. In any case, let me know if this works:


    • Fixed a bug where opacity wasn't applied correctly to parts in self draw mode

    luckyrawatlucky sorry for the late reply. Is there any way you can send me a simple project that reproduces the problem? I have a project I use for testing z-order, and it seems to be working for me. Is this only for projects that were imported from C2?

  • Thank you lucid! Looking forward to Spriter 2 too, we have high hopes for it.

  • Thanks. Me too!

  • lucid I send you both .c3p file and Spriter project via email: mikeacz@brashmonkey.com

  • luckyrawatlucky - I will keep troubleshooting the actual issue, but I found a workaround. If you have at least one other object in the layout (like a tiny invisible sprite), the z-order fixes. I will keep looking for the actual cause, though unfortunately, the code to make z-order happen is a really hacky workaround since the c3 sdk has no way to access z-order through script.

    I'm going to ask Ashley again if there are plans to add this soon. I think I figured out a method to manually force the z-order through events if he says no or doesn't respond. I just wanted to avoid adding additional conditions and code that will have to be deprecated soon after.

  • if i copy "CupCake_scml" object in construct then also it works fine. I am doing destroy "CupCake_scml" on startup and recreating it, fixing this issue.

  • Hey, I'm having issues with the conversion of a Construct 2 project to Construct 3, the animations don't work and any action using the Spriter plugin neither.

    I sent an example of the Capx and the c3p to the mike email

    Thanks so much for the help

  • Hi lucid,

    It seems that the current addon doesn't support secondary animations. Current addon setup:

    1. Draw Self = True
    2. c3runtime

    This is the error message.

    I have also made another very small reproducible project kit, click here to download.

    Kindly help to resolve the issue. Thank you.

  • hello baks and

    Thanks for your patience, and thanks for the example projects. That always makes things infinitely easier to debug.

    Hey, I'm having issues with the conversion of a Construct 2 project to Construct 3, the animations don't work and any action using the Spriter plugin neither.

    I sent an example of the Capx and the c3p to the mike email

    Thanks so much for the help

    I'm not sure why this works in C2, but this is actually a simple fix. You have a space before each name, so instead of trying to play animation "Lied" for instance, it's trying to play animation " Lied".

    You just have to change it from:

    "Idle\n Lied\n Kick..."



    and it should work fine from there.

    Hi lucid,

    It seems that the current addon doesn't support secondary animations. Current addon setup:

    1. Draw Self = True
    2. c3runtime

    Seems you're correct. I think you might be the first person who tried to use sub-entities with self-draw mode.


    • Added support for self-drawing sub-entities

    Eventually, it'd be nice to update the importer to do this automatically, but I'm afraid I don't have time to do it at the moment. Updating the importer code is a bit complex. In any case, to make sub-entities work you have to take a couple of manual steps.

    First import the same file again. C3 has a weird bug where if you just right click the object type and clone it, it doesn't let you access the properties. Name your second copy something that makes sense (like the name of that sub-entity).

    Then just add an event like this (I labeled the parts to make it easier to decipher):

  • forum is bugging for my second image, so I had to make a new reply.

    So for example, with the project you sent, it would look like this:

  • hello baks and

    Thanks for your patience, and thanks for the example projects. That always makes things infinitely easier to debug.

    > Hey, I'm having issues with the conversion of a Construct 2 project to Construct 3, the animations don't work and any action using the Spriter plugin neither.


    > I sent an example of the Capx and the c3p to the mike email


    > Thanks so much for the help

    I'm not sure why this works in C2, but this is actually a simple fix. You have a space before each name, so instead of trying to play animation "Lied" for instance, it's trying to play animation " Lied".

    You just have to change it from:

    "Idle\n Lied\n Kick..."



    and it should work fine from there.

    > Hi lucid,


    > It seems that the current addon doesn't support secondary animations. Current addon setup:


    1. Draw Self = True
    2. >
    3. c3runtime
    4. >

    Seems you're correct. I think you might be the first person who tried to use sub-entities with self-draw mode.


    • Added support for self-drawing sub-entities

    Eventually, it'd be nice to update the importer to do this automatically, but I'm afraid I don't have time to do it at the moment. Updating the importer code is a bit complex. In any case, to make sub-entities work you have to take a couple of manual steps.

    First import the same file again. C3 has a weird bug where if you just right click the object type and clone it, it doesn't let you access the properties. Name your second copy something that makes sense (like the name of that sub-entity).

    Then just add an event like this (I labeled the parts to make it easier to decipher):

    Now works perfect! Thanks so much

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