lucid's Forum Posts

  • I sugested export to XNA long time ago if any one remember.

    easier said than done

    it's a good feature, but not worth the limits that 3 genre nonsense puts on you.

  • Aeal5566 uploaded his consciousness into the chatroom

  • so you can do like:

    For instance in Sprite.SOL:

    instance.X += 1;

    And it will just iterate the sprites which are selected...meaning if you have the python block as a sub event of anotehr event it will use the SOL

    I forgot to ask, is this going to be a .99 thing?

    also, there's some stuff I should really keep working on with workarounds for if .99 is over a month away or so, but if it's closer it would be smarter just to wait for some of this new stuff, particularly what we've been discussing here. I completely understand the done when it's done thing, just curious if the big announcement is about to happen, or if I should proceed with my workarounds?

    but my main question....the SOL python

    is that going to be in 99?

  • I think I may have posted this a long time ago

    but honestly....I think not

    anyway, without further ado, try drawing something with the mouse

    watch it fade after a while

    fun stuff

  • lol

    you're awesome ashley, I put the bug tracker thing there, cuz I knew you'd come...


    my system is very unstable in general, and the reason I'm posting this is because I believe there may be something wrong on my machine in particular. I think I may be doing things that should work on any other machine, and it's crashing anyway. I don't want to post my pc problems on the bug tracker. my computer crashes out of everything all the time. BSODs are a daily thing for me pretty much. there is a damaged component inside, and such is my fate until I can afford to start fresh with a new machine.

    so yeah, I just want to test a working cap, to see if it will work on my pc

    Image Manipulator copying it's contents to Canvas object crashes.

    Copying from/to Image Manipulator to/from Sprite works. Also copying Canvas

    contents to IM works.

    Vista 64-bit. Also checked on friend's 32-bit version with the same result.

    copying to a sprite makes it crash for me, at least the way I'm doing it

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  • I can't get the image manipulator to do anything but crash

    can someone please post a cap of it doing a simple copy/paste with imagemanipulator?

    and I mean simple. I just want 2 sprites, an image manipulator, and something copied from one sprite to another

    I hear people talk about it crashing in certain circumstances, but I seriously can't get it to do anything...I think the bugs are reported to the bug tracker, I just want to see what it can do for now until those are fixed...also it's supposed to be able to copy from canvas?

    anyway, here's a cap of my crashing

    what am I doing wrong? I'm barely doing anything. I made it left and right click, because I heard you may need a delay between copies and pastes, but no longer how long I wait it just crashes for me

  • oh sorry

    totally misunderstood and jumped the gun then

    like I said, feel free

    let me know if you need me to dissect any of it

  • I posted them knowing they could be used freely by anyone

    No I don't mind. I'm glad you liked it. next time, though, if you want help with something ask for it in the help section, and let people decide if they want to help. Most of the time someone will, Even on complex problems like this. Personally, I think I would've done it anyway, but posting a challenge, and "do this for me", are two different things. know what I mean?

  • I've installed plenty of games that make me download or install a directx component or runtime library, etc. As long as it's automated in the installation process of the game, it shouldn't be a problem or a convenience issue.

  • if it's transparent in ps

    with the grey and white checkerboarded background

    save as PNG and it should look the same in construct

  • btw, I like yours deadeye

    what did you use to make the donut parts seperated out like that?


    if you're skeptical, take a look, you don't want to pass this up.

    these are really awesomely photographed super detailed textures, inches of fabric at 1860x1650

    a few feet of ceramic roofing at 2918x1930

    they also have two smaller sizes available of each texture

    you can preview the texture before you download at the different sizes

    They can be used commercially for free (assuming it's a game and you're not just trying to sell the textures)

    You don't even have to mention them in the credits(though, personally, I would.)

    you cannot, however, make an open source game using these textures(because that would be redistributing the textures)

    read the FAQ, and the license before use.

    there's a 15meg/day download limit,

    you can pay to have larger download limits

    paying members get the same database of textures

    it's split up into categories,

    perfect website, btw. Exactly how it should be.

    huge huge selection of stuff, from rusted metal, to vehicle tires, to fabric, to skies, to piles of trash


    Misja Baas, senior artist, Guerrilla-Games:

    " is one of our primary resource sites for texture work on Killzone 2.

    It offers a great collection of extremely useful resource material that we've used on environments, props and vehicles. The site is very well organized, frequently updated and the quality is of the photos is very good.

    One of the best texture resource sites on the web!"


    just take a look

  • updated with slightly higher magnification rate

    makes it easier to see the wraparoundness of it

  • you have a big sprite with the lives left and the box around the item and everything called tablo

    don't make that over and over

    just have the whole thing as one sprite

    and have the tiny number be many sprites

    just that one thing is wasting alot of vram

  • here's the method with the magnify pixel shader

    I have alot of shady stuff going on here, so let me know if it runs like crap

    hey deadeye, I can't load yours because I don't have overlay proper