LolindirLink's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the info. That's pretty unfortunate. The reason I'm using video is because it would take a lot of sprites to create every single animation I have. Video is the only logical choice to make it less of a memory hog. When I play it on mobile via LAN or export out to it, it'll play the audio after touching the screen. I would think that if it's set to autoplay or having the system start it, it should just play.

    I really don't get it. Maybe a dev can answer this? I know I'm new and all, but I was really hoping to take full advantage of the feature-set and getting the video plugin to handle the task.

    i just noticed in the r222 release they fixed the video bug with capitals! i'll test this later today.

    not really the "fix" we're looking for, but at least the video names will look cleaner with capitals back in them

    and as far as i know, you always need that first touch on mobile, i also managed to get audio but no video with a first touch (the video is in a seperate layout with autostart and events making sure it autostarts, and they work fine on the desktop or web versions.)

    i also used buttons to move the video to another layer, set it's size to max screen size, or original size, visibility, global, loading from another layout, went all over google.. oh, and different mp4 / webm converts, wth or without streaming option, different bitrate (1000-2500 tested) (VP9 converts crash on my end, so i can't try that yet) and i bet i missed a few more things, but basicly, no video at all. sometimes audio.

    i need the video's myself for pre-rendered animations, basicly any fullscreen animation that's too detailed or too heavy for C2 to handle.

    png sequences work fantastic but eat a lot of data. and they're all story-based, so i can't rely on the player to always have a stable connection.

    i'm not completely sure what the filesize limit are, what's IntelXDk's limit? Google / ios seem to have 2gb now? with the ability to download additional data.

    png sequences would still easily fit it these numbers are true.

    help? Ashley ?

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  • video has been a difficult thing since the start, couldn't get them to play on chrome and safari, sometimes played in firefox, other times not at all. not even audio.

    removing the .ogv AND renaming every video so they have NO capitals! worked for me to get the video's to play in the browser directly from website on Firefox, Chrome & Safari. latest versions, desktop. so that's something..

    however, mobile is a B&^$% and I've been coming back and forth to this video problem for months!

    the Project is getting in shape, all smooth 60fps on mobile but basic video won't play (and it HAS to be playable in offline mode!)

    if i find anything... i'll post right here. seems to be pretty up to date in here

  • duplicate the layout with the least amount of "trash" (have a sample ready for duplication) is the etchnique i'm using for creating a new layout and having all properties and images carry over, i delete what i don't need and it's ready to go.

  • I've been experiencing the same as everyone else

    good thing i have my mail organized tho!

    -in hotmail, click the upper right gear, then manage rules. you can precisely tell what email to go where. (folder hierarchy!)

    i hope you guys get this fixed soon, the idea that low-rep users can't post could work. but might also get botted high enough...

    paid options (recent Steam update) is no option because lots of people wouldn't be able to contribute, massive downgrade..

    personally, i'd say every tutorial has to be checked, mod/admin.

    tell tutorial makers that it can take up to 24h, but let us preview how it's going to look directly.

  • a bit late, but i was once facing a similar problem and fixed it with a bit of backwards coding, i guess

    basically, instead of relying on collision to stop the char when touching the wall, i prevented buttons to be pressed.

    so the player could not walk forward into the wall, and only go the other direction.

    when the player stopped touching the wall, all movements unlock again.

    it's be a bit more difficult in 3D tho. but i hope it could be of any help

    great work btw.! love it!

  • GamerGon:

    i cannot help but respond on the way you explain how "The Legend Of Zelda" renders it's sprites.

    it uses a old version of the knows spritesheet.

    it's build in one of N's own engines and they're always a bit different than most common engines.

    but technically what it does, is loading a grid of numbers:






    ^ in the above example: (which is a VERY tiny script to load to start with, every number represents a small image)

    1= grass



    games like Minecraft & Terraria both work in the same kind of way.

    but, with randomization added.

    the good part is:

    C2 is capable of these techniques! including randomization, physics, and constantly improving! (i love the way it updates without messing my projects up! (so far)

    now back to work!


  • i cannot help but respond on the way you explain how "The Legend Of Zelda" renders it's sprites.

    it uses a old version of the knows spritesheet.

    it's build in one of N's own engines and they're always a bit different than most common engines.

    but technically what it does, is loading a grid of numbers:






    ^ in the above example: (which is a VERY tiny script to load to start with, every number represents a small image)

    1= grass



    games like Minecraft & Terraria both work in the same kind of way.

    but, with randomization added.

    the good part is:

    C2 is capable of these techniques! including randomization, physics, and constantly improving! (i love the way it updates without messing my projects up! (so far)

    now back to work!


  • well...hi!

    i've been around for months, but i'm not really the forum-type of guy.

    just reading, and learning.

    that's my main goal in the way i live.

    therefore, i once started learning Photography, Film, Video Editing, graphic design, Programming, marketing, and, GameDesign.

    i've played Games since i was about 3 years old (or as long as i can remember for that matter)

    NES, Mario Bros 2. and it all started with some little secret area i just found.

    while i was innocently exploring this world, i heard my parents say something in the lines of: "what's this?" , or: "How the hell did he get here?!?"

    i realized that this. is not a movie.

    I discovered something, something that was unique, nobody else experienced it like this.

    hooked for life <3

    i currently own most consoles/handhelds from 1989-Present.

    my personal Jewels in this collection however, is the PS1 stuff.

    i'm slowly but sure going for 100 Playstations1's to own at the same time. currently on 9 PSX's & 2 PsOnes.

    Favorite Game of all time: FFIX - PSX

    Favorite Game-Series: The Legend Of Zelda

    sorry for this unusual way of saying "hello"

    that's just my way.

    i won't be active a lot, like mentioned earlier.

    i do plan on sharing whatever i created & How in the future.

    for now. Continue work on the C2 Project!

    ....C2 <3....

  • yes, but it would be an hell positioning every bit of wall that is sticking out,

    i think, the best way to create this is by having a ground layer,

    a walls layer, & top of the building-layer.

    the walls layer should squeeze between the other 2 layers when you move closer.

    all with some clever parallax usage, i think it's do-able. havn't done it yet however. i only calculated the options in my head :P (i've seen "Indiegame: the movie <3", i know i'm not alone! haha)

    i will get to a point in my own C2 creation where i need this exact concept like top-down GTA's do.

    will update on the parallax ideas.

    ...and i just noticed that this topic is old....

    nvm me :-)