[Request] Global Layers (for HUDs, menus, etc.)

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Globals 2.0
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Globals 2.0 stores and group variables. You can also load and save data (variables) from/to JSON files.
  • Global layers would be nice, but what I really wanted was a way to have the same WebGL effects on all layouts without having to go adding/configuring them one by one..

  • Well, a couple of builds have passed, and no sign of this feature, but I'm holding out hope.

    Though, I suppose making changes to the HUD over multiple layouts hopefully isn't gonna be a big hassle as long as I know what I'm doing.

  • Couldn't you (for now) use events to call objets and spawn them at a specific place. You put that in an event sheet and you include it in specific layouts.

    I don't think this is the best way to go, but for now it seems to be the way to go. I agree with the OP, this is something we need.

  • one "trick" i use now, is make a global string variable for every layername, and use the variable to request the layer, its easyer also, because its in the autocomplete, this fixes any renaming you should have, but doesn't fix the problem of adding/removing layers on multilayouts and would be very helpfull.

  • I definatly would like the option of a global layer :)

    My current approach for bigger projects:

    I use dedicated layouts as object holders and an event sheet called HUDevents, which builds a desired hud on a uniform layer named HUD.

    When using dedicated object layouts, I came to find that splitting it up really helps here too.

    In one of my subfolder of layouts there will be a HUD folder, with a dedicated objects layout for every needed hud type.

    Here I can mimick/duplicate the desired effects my HUDevens sheet would build on start of layout once included on any desired layout.

    Prevents clogging up my layout editor too and keeps my HUDs very managable.

  • +1 here too. I would love a way to define/modify the layers of multiple layouts at once.

  • , global layers were introduced all the way back in r181 -- this was released almost a year ago. The manual contains information about them.

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  • Thanks for your responses, but I don't think the current global layers do what I'm asking for, which is something I believe I saw others asking for here.

    Unless I'm mistaken, global layers aren't added to all layouts when you make them - what they do is apply the same arrangement of objects to any layer that has the name of the global layer. That's definitely handy for UI, etc., but what if I need to add new layers to dozens of layouts that don't already have them, or rename layers across many different layouts all at once? Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?

  • Hmmm, reading some of these comments more carefully I see I viewed some posts through the lens of my current need.

    What I'm asking for is more of some kind of layer manager that can span multiple layouts. For example, I would love the ability to select several layouts and alter their properties, including layers, in the same way it's possible to select several objects and alter properties on them. But this is a new request - sorry for the necro-post!

  • Really, there should separate layout for gui/inventory and options, that is editable in one place but displayed throughout the game, so we wouldn't have to have that extra layer or layers per layout.

  • I think this would be a bit restrictive, in the sense we would lose some flexibility ; the layer system means we can split and mix & match bits of global layers the way we want, so that we can "include" relevant bits of gui/inventory/options depending on the context / levels / etc. To keep this functionality, we would still need a place to define what to include/display in each layer, which would make "automatic" global layers clunky

  • I think this would be a bit restrictive, in the sense we would lose some flexibility ; the layer system means we can split and mix & match bits of global layers the way we want, so that we can "include" relevant bits of gui/inventory/options depending on the context / levels / etc. To keep this functionality, we would still need a place to define what to include/display in each layer, which would make "automatic" global layers clunky

    Not necessarily: you could have default menus on global layout and if you'd want more flexibility you'd do that in current way. One extra option would be program to store gui layout ( as placement ), and do the rest automatically. Many ways to streamline current, often cumbersome workflow.

  • duplicate the layout with the least amount of "trash" (have a sample ready for duplication) is the etchnique i'm using for creating a new layout and having all properties and images carry over, i delete what i don't need and it's ready to go.

  • duplicate the layout with the least amount of "trash" (have a sample ready for duplication) is the etchnique i'm using for creating a new layout and having all properties and images carry over, i delete what i don't need and it's ready to go.

    Well well, what a coincidence.

    I am doing the same and recommend others to do so as well.

    Though I keep three different basic template/sample for cloning/duplicating due to my game needs.

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